Kids meet Mxes

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Alone , cherry pins him

Pentol: Oh!

She kisses his neck

Pentol: Oh yeah....

He gets an idea. Cherry placed her hips against him

Pentol rubs her back*

She smirks and rolls her hips against him

Pentol squeezes her rear*

Cherry- oh !

Pentol smirks*

She teased him by rolling her hips on him

Pentol kisses her*

Cherry- mm !

Pentol begins to have fun with her*

Back with the others*

Chaz: Blitz, I get the feeling your daughter doesn't like me or Zig Zag.

Zig zag- Yeah. Did i do something wrong ?

Blitz: I'm not sure why she doesn't like you two.

Tupper looks: Grandpa, where's Mama?

Blitzo: She's right by me *looks and she's not there along with her siblings* Uh oh.

Zig zag- blitzy i really love kids but i think your daughter has something against me

Blitzo: Oh no! Where's my babies?!

Savy got a phone call: Yes?

Issac: Savy, meet us at the sorority party.

Savy: Why? I'm with my husband.

Issac: The troubled girl Shelby escaped our castle, and she went over there!

Smarty- told you it's a bad idea.

Savy facepalms: Com'on guys. We're going to the sorority party.

Back at the sorority party*

Jenny then ssees shelby ronnie as keri hilson trixie as a cute maid and alex as alice from resident evij

Tanner: Whoa.

Scappy: What are these three doing here?

Jenny- what about that shelby over there

Jacinth: She's going to be in trouble.

Mxes speaks to jenny

Mxes: They are so troublesome...

Jenny- no kidding mxes

Spike: Who are you talking to babe?

Jenny- no one...

Mxes: They insulted you, you need to insult them back.

Jenny- the 4 havent begun talking to me yet

Mxes: They will soon...

They went over before see jenny

Trixie: Oh if it isn't Jenny.

Jenny froze

jenny- ronnie. Unfancy seeing you here

Ronnie: I know, you are being such a loser lately.

Jenny turned around- oh yeah how ?

Ronnie: How you hurt my hand last season.

Jenny- Oh that. Thats what happens when you dont workout ronnie

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