Tom saves Liz

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with the heroes they ban the kids from partying

Issac: That's it! Party's over everyone cause a kid got raped here! Go home!

Sash- nice going issac ! Shelby left cause you open your mouth

??: No she didn't sis in law.

They see Chaz holding Shelby's arm*

Shelby: Let me go you freaking looking shark!

Madea-why you sneaky little punk !

Shelby: How did you find me?!

Chaz: Sharks can't smell blood on land, but I recognize your perfume.

Sash- weirdo But glad

Chaz: Thank you sis in law.

Issac smirks at Sash: I told you he would be a helpful bro in law....

Sash blushes- shut up !

Derek: Alright let's get in the car.

As they left*

College boy: Ugh, those royals ruin the party along with those old ladies.

College girl: What do we do now?

College boy: Not to worry, I have a plan to scare them, listen up.

Melinda listens worried *

Back with the rainbow friends, they made it back home*

Copperina yawns

Chuba: So, did you and Kistu have fun trick or treating sweetie?

Katty: Yeah, it was fun! We got so much candy daddy!

Winter looks

Chuba pets her head: I'm glad you did, think you can help us put your baby siblings in their bed?

Katty: Sure daddy. *as she went*

White sighed

Chuba came to her: I'm glad we adopted Katty honey, she's been a great help for us watching our kids while we're busy alone.

White- yeah...

Chuba: Honey, why are you sad?

White- i dont know...

Chuba: I know what cheers you up.

White-what ?

Chuba purrs on her chest like a motorboat*

White yelps meowing blushing

Chuba purrs to her neck*

White- chuba !

Chuba: My purrs turn you on... *rubs her curves*

Shite- (blushes) chuba

Chuba smiles, the rainbow friends yawned*

Blue: Night everyone!

Watermelon: Night Blue, let's go in our cave Copperina.

copperina chitters to him

Watermelon went in the cave with her*

Back with Metal Smarty, he snuggles Cobra dog*

Metal smarty-wow

Cobra dog hissed he loves him*

Metal smarty- i love you too

Cobra dog smiles*

Then the others are coming, Cobra dog turns back to a cobra and leaves*

Beige: Whoo! That was fun!

Ora giggles

Boo MadeaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon