Sabrina explains about Zig Zag

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With madea...

They arrived at the sorority party*


Florabelle: Look at this place, drinking beer. Oh my.

Maea- lets go were crashing this party

Issac: Heck yeah.

They see the others arrived*

Markus: Hi guys!

Madea-what the hell took yall so long !

Tigs: Traffic is being difficult.

College boy sees Angel dust: Dude that is one sick outfit.

Angel- hello handsome~

College boy: Are those tits real?

Angel- its fluff

College boy: Wait, your real?


Angel- yes I am baby~

The college boys are nervous and left*

Tigs: Oi vey...

Jason: So where is that brat?

They pointed in the house

Jason: Okay.

Malikai: Let's split up and find her.

They all split up, but with Maisie, she drinks her punch upset*

Tito- maisie whats wrong ?

Maisie: I'm still upset about Chaz and Zig Zag.

Tito- Maisie plz let it go

Maisie: I don't know why I'm upset.

Tito-you must be protective

Troy talks about jennys outburst

Troy: That's what happened when Jenny doesn't approve of Murray.

Tito-did you see the way she yelled earlier.

Maisie: Yeah.

Snips speaks

Snips: Maybe you should talk to your father

Maisie: Maybe.

Blaze looks: Hey, is that Sabrina skunk?

They see a cute female skunk with even black & white fur , short white hais - clear glasses , black widow costume that shows off her slim thick body , a long- medium curled tail thats white on top and black on bottom

Tito: It is!

Goggles-shes kinda cute

Sabrina sees them*

Ice cube: Hi there.

Sabrina- oh hello. Never seen you around here before

Muskrat: We're from hell.

Sabrina is shocked- H-hell ?!

Fenrir: Hell is not that bad.

Sabrina-ok ?

Tito: Do you want to be our new friend senorita?

Sabrina-sure ! But whats wrong with your friend over there

Grimskull: Which friend?

Sabrina points- the girl over there

They looked*

Maisie drinks her punch

Tito: Oh she's having trouble with two people

Sabrina-such as ?

Tito: Chaz and Zig Zag.

Sabrina- Zig zag ? did you say Zig zag?!

Tito: Si?

Sabrina- she hates zig zag ?!

Troy: Well, not hate, but she's angry at her for some reason she doesn't know.

Sabrina-dude shes got it all wrong

Crush: How?

Sabrina-zig zag is no homewrecker ,in fact shes the nicest woman you'd ever meet

Porsha: That's true.

Sabrina-yes she flirted with me lots of times but she understood when i told her i was in love with rc raccoon

Night thug: Oh.

Sabrina- she had a very unhappy past

Muskrat: Oh...

They ask

Titup: What happened in her past?

Sabrina-she was born from a neglectful tiger mother and an abusive skunk father

They gasped*

Sabrina- she had to take care of herself and her baby siblings

Pipsy: Awwwww.

Sabrina-when she was a teenager , all the men & women thought she was a slutty hybrid freak

Zell: Oh my.

Sabrina- but most horrible... Her mother cared less when zig zag was repeatedly sexually abused her By him

They are shocked*

Bumper: Oh my!

Drumstick: That's awful!

Timber: Yeah!

Sabrina- so one night at 18, she ran away and tried to become an actress, everyone rejected her cause shes a hybrid

Tito: Poor Zig Zag..

Sabrina- but she made herself successful and rich by knowing one thing shes good at : sex

Tito: Oh

Sabrina- but her luck on relationships went downhill : tina lynx ,puss noir ,single mother helen dish . But one relationship made her still depressed...

Troy: What happened?

Sabrina- his name was jc , he was a good looking skunk stayed together for 6 years unti one night on their anniversary..

They listened*

Sabrina- zig zag came home and saw him cheating on her witha slutty siamese cat

Muskrat: Ouch.

Sabrina- all because he said "if you gave up your studio , i wouldnt have to cheat on you !"

Ice cube: Oh.


Tito: That is cold.

Sabrina-then he literally dragged zig out of the house she paid for !

Priscilla: Now that is cold!

Tito- si !

Muskrat: So is that why Zig Zag is upset?

Zell: Yeah?

Sabrina-yeah... Shes going through a tough time right now. Im suprised she can still smile

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