Blitzo talks to Maisie

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Alli, Tupper, Rudd and their sisters looked*

Alli: Hi Mama!

Maisie: Hey babies, how was your trick or treating doing?

Tupper: Doing great!

Jenny-what brought you here early ?

Maisie sarcastic: Oh I was nearly raped thanks for asking.

Jenny- Gee don't get sassy you're not the one who dealt with a voice in your mind for 10 months

Maisie sees Mxes: Who's this?

Jenny- remember after we scooped mimic and i put the vanny mask on one more time and said i saw something different ?

Maisie: Yes?

Jenny-well that was him, the mxes rabbit and he is not afton or glitchtrap either

Mxes: Nice to meet you.

Maisie: You too. Jenny, you okay letting me stay with you with my kids and pets?

Jenny- sure of course why ?

Maisie: I just hope Zig Zag is happy with my dad while my dad ignores me.

Jenny- Oh thats why

Tanner: Why are you so upset with Zig Zag?

Maisie: Do you want to know what was in my future vision? Do ya? In my future vision, Zig Zag does become my mom, but later dad has been ignoring me, and doesn't pay attention to me and never looked at my gifts.

Jenny- Maisie every child goes through this kind of phase. Like i did with murray & luciana and i gotten used to it

Maisie: Yeah, but what made me upset that I was almost raped like you and I almost lost my virginity.

Jenny-well what made you got yourself hurt then ? Bet it wasn't zig zags fault

Maisie: I feel like I'm going to be unloved again... It's happening like last time...

Jenny-now maisie you are overreacting. You didnt try to adjust like you did with the other men your dad loves

Maisie has tears*

Tanner: Please don't cry sis.

Blitzo arrives with Zig Zag*

Alli looks: Hi Grandpa!

Jenny- speak of the devil

Blitzo: Where's Maisie?

Alli points: Over there.

They see her

Blitzo; Hey, can I talk to her alone kids?

Jenny-sure. We'll be back

They left*

Maisie has tears*

Zig zag looks

Blitzo- Honey...

Maisie looks at him*

Blitzo-zig zag told me what happened

Maisie nodded yes*

Blitzo- is it true

Maisie looked at him: What's true?

Blitzo- that you felt I was ignoring you ?

Maisie nodded yes*

Blitzo-now honey why would you think that ?

Maisie: I had a vision that your spending time with Zig Zag and ignoring me.

Blitzo-sweetie thats not true. I just felt like im in love again. Zig zag and i felt so alike

Maisie looks at him*

Blitzo- zig zag wasnt stealing me away. You should know whatever happens youll always be my first daughter

Maisie had a real vision, she is spending time with her father and Zig Zag was hugging her, Maisie was happy*

Maisie is shocked: This is my real vision?


Maisie: So what I saw before was a fake?

Blitzo- Yes your worries made you see that

Maisie: So I was wrong....

Blitzo & zig zag looked

Maisie hugs Blitzo having tears*

Blitzo- oh !

Maisie: I love you dad...

Blitzo- I love you too honey

Zig Zag looks*

Maisie looks at her: Thanks for saving me.... mom..

Zig zag gasped

The others looked*

Zig zag- you called me mom !

Maisie smiles and nodded yes*

Zig zag- awww honey !

She hugged her

Maisie smiles*

The others smiled seeing this*

Alli, Tupper and Rudd yawned, they're sleepy*

They looked

Alli: Me sleepy

Jenny- looks like you don't have to stay with me then

Maisie smiles: Yep.

Jenny-unless you wanna stay the night

Alli: Sleep over! Sleep over!

Tupper: Yeah yeah!

They look to Maisie

Maisie smiles: Why not?

The kids cheer

Jenny-oh guess what ?

Spike: What is it?

Jenny- the pizzaplex made a hotel part near the laser arena called the faz tower !

The kids cheered*

the teens gasped

Tanner: No way!

Jenny- yes way !

They smiled*

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