Copperina's song

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With edds gang

They are ready for Halloween too*

Theyre dressed up like helluva boss

Edd: We look awesome

Edd is blitzo tom is moxxie matt is stolas & tord is boy loona

Tord: I'm excited for candy!

Matt cheers

Grub and Lizard king are dressed up too*

Eon giggles to gliscor and vapor will prank Tom

Tom: Com'on let's go.

Claw, Sharp and Paul are dressed up too*

Eon turned into liz dressed as queen beezlebub

Tom: So where is Liz?

Eon giggled as Liz dressed as queen beezlebub and appeared

Tom: Oh Liz there you are

He looks at eon liz

Edd: So are you ready for Halloween?

Tom speaks to eon Liz blushing at her costume

Tom: You look amazing Liz.

Liz/eon gives him a flity look

Tom smiles*

He then goes to kis but eon smirked an turned back to his latios form

Tom looks: Ahhhh!

Eon laughs at tom with gliscor & vapor the vaporeon

Tom: Ha ha, very funny...

???- eon !

Tom: So where is the real Liz?

Liz appears dressed as millie

Tom: Wow, you look amazing....

Liz- thanks she sees him dressed like moxxie

Tom blushes*

Edd: Now we're all here.

With the rainbow friends...

They are excited for Halloween*

Theyre dressed up

Pineapple: This is my first Halloween.

Yellow blushes at his costume

Cyan smiles: I'm very excited!

Chuba: I'm dressed as Anubis.

White is victoria

Orange: This will be fun.

Watermelon: Yep!

Pink comes out as pinkie pie

Blue smiles: Nice outfit Pink.

Pink blushes- aw really ?

Blue: Yes really.

She giggles as the babies dressed up and red came out finishing copperina

Red: Copperina is ready.

Copperina came out as a Magearna

Watermelon: Wow... You're so pretty....

She chitters and looked at him

Watermelon kisses her cheek*

She blushed as they see her

Green: Nice outfit.

Copperina hides in her pokeball form

Watermelon: Don't be scared.

She listens

Purple: So are we all ready to meet up with the others?

Red- indeed

Green: Okay let's go.

the babies cry

Orange: No no kids don't cry.

Green-why are they crying ?

Purple: I think they're scared of Halloween.

Copperina chitters

Watermelon looks*

Red: Copperina can calm them down.

Copperina first chirps and pets them

The babies looked*

She pressed her rainbow heart and started to play gentle music

The babies cooed*

Copperina closed her eyes

Watermelon looks*

Copperina sings- one of a kind forged with steel and a beautiful mind with a mighty heart that drove men apart forgotten plain where only the damaged remain thats where i found my destiny...

The babies cooed*

They gasp

Watermelon: Whoa...

Cyan: She has a pretty voice.

Copperina sings- one more last refugee... Come with me feel my rainbow heart , i youve been seeking a new start, let me be your guiding liiiiiiiiiiiiiiight , til the end of the niiiiiiiiiiight... hear the voice of my rainbow heart , keep watch over the rampart , let me be yours shining staaaaaaaaaaaar , beating right from afaaaaaaar...

They are amazed*

She sings

Watermelon: Wow...

The babies listen

The babies sleep *

Copperina- from whoever you were... To whoever you are feel my rainbow heart now....

Watermelon: Well done sweetie.

She blushed as she stopped & look

Watermelon smiles*

They picked up the babies*

Purple: Okay, let's go trick or treating.

Orange: Awesome!

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