Live in the Present ~ Chapter 5

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May 2013:::

Talia is still bestfriends with Mika and Camilla of course living good with great careers. Camilla opened up a restaurant called "Cami's and have 6 different locations throughout Florida, Mika is a fitness instructor and is a personal trainer for some of the hottest A list celebrities, and Talia is a psychiatrist. They all stay in Orlando now a block away from each other......

~Talia's House~

Its 3am Talia cant sleep so she's up searching for something to watch on netflix, her phone goes off twice she grabs it and see that she has two notifications from facebook she has a message and a friend request from Malik. She accepts the friend request but doesnt reply back to his message so he message her again.

Malik: Hey chick havent seen or heard from you in what 7 years?

Talia: yea that's about right

Malik: how you been?

Talia: ive been good and you?

Malik: Im good just getting back from Atl with Kai

Talia: oh hope yall had fun

Malik: yea we did... he's engaged now

Talia: that's good

Malik: what's your number so we can catch up you still my bestfriend/baby boo

Talia: Aaww i thought you forgot about me.... my number is (305) 575-9823

Malik: no i didn't but Kai did

Talia: Yea i guess so.... but hit me up tomorrow I'm about to go to sleep

Malik: ok

She puts down her phone and goes in the kitchen pours herself a glass of wine and lights up a cig.

The Next Day 5pm

Talia calls Mika to fill her in about what happened last night

Talia: what you doing girl

Mika: girl nothing just getting home from work

Talia: yea me too so let me tell you about last night

Mika: what

Talia: my past catching up to me, Malik found me on FaceBook

Mika: oh wow did he say anything about Kai??

Talia: yea Kai is engaged

Mika: oh wow

Talia: right i was kind of sad but whatever it doesn't matter i would never see him again hopefully my feelings will finally die now

Mika: i don't know they havent died after all this time

Talia: and it's strange i dont know why, but Malik texted me asking if I wanna chill and catch

Mika: and what you say??

Talia: I said yea I mean that was my bestfriend at some point of time

Mika: yea yall was close

Talia: yea we were

Mika: so when yall hanging out

Talia: I dont know yet i didnt tell him a day

Mika: oh ok

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