Kiss of Deception ~ Chapter 29

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4 hours later Kai and Talia plane lands but instead of taking her home he decided to check into a hotel things weren't save at her house with Malik acting crazy and trying to kill Talia so his main focus was to keep Talia and his unborn baby safe for the time being....

Kai: (trying to wake Talia up) hey baby we back in Florida get up

Talia: I wasn't sleep just resting my eyes

Kai: (laughs) sure you were

Talia: ok I'm up now

Kai: good come on let's get off this plane we need to have a little talk anyway

Talia: about what?

They get into a cab and head to the hotel

Kai: i was just thinking about your safety we gon be staying in a hotel until i find us a place Malik is really tripping so until i figure out how to handle him i don't want you to be at your house

Talia: I was thinking about the same thing

Kai: so we gon be staying low for a while the girls waiting for you at the hotel i called them and told them you wont be at your house for a while so chill with them while i head out and get shit together for us

Talia: ok bae

Kai: I love you

Talia: I love you too

They arrive at the hotel Talia gets out the cab and walks inside the hotel while Kai gets their things out the cab they walks her up to their room.... Kai opens the door for Talia then took their things inside

Mika: bout time yall showed up

Camilla: right, did you enjoy your trip love

Talia: yes it was amazing we definitely need to take us a girl trip down there it's so freaking beautiful

Kai: hey bae come here

Talia: ( walks over to Kai) yes baby

Kai: (gives her a kiss and rubs her stomach) stay here ok please get some rest after you catch up with the girls

Talia: ok

Kai: I wont be gone too long

Talia: ok see you later

Kai: I love you

Talia: I love you too

Kai walks out and leave, Talia sits down with her girls and start telling them about her trip....

Mika: so have you heard from Malik?

Talia: no thank god hopefully the psycho got the hint and will finally leave me alone

Camilla: so how long you and Kai suppose to be staying here?

Talia: until he finds us a house i guess so much has happened in this past month man its crazy Kai asked me to marry him

Camilla: omg!!!!

Mika: did you say yes?

Camilla: (looks down at Talia's hand) yeah she said yes look at that big ass ring

Mika: damn!!!! Ok Kai i see you

Talia: we have to plan a wedding and get ready to become parents

Camilla: what you mean? Yall trying to have a baby already?

Talia: no I'm pregnant i found out while we were away but i wanted to tell you guys in person

Mika: aaww this is so awesome

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