Little Talks ~ Chapter 18

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The next morning Talia wakes up go take a shower and gets dressed

Kai: where you think your going?

Talia: I have to meet my patient for coffee

Kai: your patient

Talia: yea she dont like having her sessions in the office so we meet up and talk

Kai: is she crazy

Talia: not at all... where's Malik?

Kai: I took him home last night while you were sleeping

Talia: and you came back

Kai: yea to be with you is that a problem?

Talia: no not at all

Kai: ok well ill see you when you get back

Talia: ok

She walks out and goes to meet up with her patient, 30 minutes later she arrives at a Star Bucks and sees her patient sitting at table outside waiting for her she walks up to the table and sits down

Talia: hello

Imani: hey doctor girl

Talia: (laughs) hey

Imani: how was your birthday

Talia: it was great thanks for asking

Imani: what you do girl?

Talia: me and the girls went to a couple places go drunk

Imani: doc you need to live it up, you only live once

Talia: I thought we were meeting up today to talk about you not my oh so boring life

Imani: (laughs) sorry, well I started a new job at a call center

Talia: that's great how do you like it

Imani: its cool im in training class I think this would be a great job for me because I love to talk

Talia: that's great news im proud of you

Imani: thank you darling

Talia: (laughs) your welcome

Imani: doc your so up-tight cute but boring you need some excitement in your life your 26 now right?

Talia: yea

Imani: have you done anything daring

Talia: nope I'm a play it safe kind of girl

Imani: don't let your life pass you by you don't wanna be old and be thinking what if you know

Talia: ok Imani I think this session is over for today

Imani: ok ok

Talia: when do you want meet up for your next appointment?

Imani: I'm in a good place right now so how about 4 weeks from now

Talia: sounds great see you then

Imani: ok

Talia gets up and walks to her car and sits there for 20 minutes thinking about what Imani said she takes out her phone and text Malik

Talia: (texting) wyd

Malik: nothing just got dressed

Talia: good meet me at my house we have to talk

Malik: ok i should be there in about an hour

Talia: ok see you there....

An hour later Malik arrives at Talia's house and knocks on the door Kai answers the door with a towel on

Malik: where Talia

Kai: she getting dressed

Malik: you know what she wanna talk to us about?

Kai: naw

Malik: oh... nigga did you cum in her last night

Kai: yea why?

Malik: she not on birth control what if she end up pregnant

Kai: then ill be having a baby on the way, what's your problem nigga

Malik: nothing

Talia walks for the back room hey guys

Malik: what you wanna talk to us about

Talia: so I've been doing some thinking

Malik: about?

Talia: about how i have feelings for both of you and yall have feelings for me and that yall bestfriends and what happened last night was wonderful

Malik: what you getting at

Talia: we should be in a relationship

Kai: who

Talia: all 3 of us well ill be dating the both of you

Kai: what made you come up with this crazy idea

Talia: I already told yall

Malik: because you have feelings for both of us

Talia: yea

Kai: if thats what you want Im down

Malik: you sure this what you want

Talia: yes

Malik: ok

Talia: ok cool soooo yall wanna have a repeat of last night

Malik: I would baby boo but i have some business that i have to go handle

Talia: aawe

Malik: you ok Kai here with you he can please you while im gone

He kisses Talia then shakes Kai hand then walks out the house. Talia locks the door then walks up to Kai and takes off his towel she starts to kiss his neck and kiss down to his stomach then down to his dick, she grabs it and rubs it up against her lips before taking him in her mouth

Kai: I see somebody ready for round 4

Talia: mmhm

Kai gently pushes her down to the floor and gets on top of her sliding his hand up her dress

Kai: do you ever wear panties

Talia: nope

He kiss her while sliding his dick inside her, she bites his bottom lip kai puts her legs over his shoulders giving her long slow deep strokes...

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