Complications ~ Chapter 7

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The next night:::

The girls ( Talia, Mika, and Camilla) works out at Mika's fitness center after hours so they can workout and gossip in peace

Camilla: so what yall do last night

Mika: girl nothing at all

Camilla: what about you Talia

Talia: man last night was crazy for me

Camilla: why bitch

Mika: right what happened

Talia: so me and Malik went out last to the bar and when he dropped me off he started confessing saying he been in love with me for years and stuff

Mika: whhhaaaattt

Talia: right bitch that's what i said

Camilla: sooooo what else

Talia: he kissed me i didn't stop him i asked him if he wanted to come in he did and yea

Camilla: yea what bitch spill

Talia: we had sex

Mika: omg Talia you shouldn't have done that

Talia: why not

Camilla: what about Kai

Talia: what about him?? He's engaged I'm never gonna see him talk to him or get back with him

Mika: first of all if your fucking with Malik you are gonna see him because they are bestfriends bitch

Talia: so what I'm over him

Mika: sure you are

Talia: yes i am its been years since that break up ill be a damn fool to still be in love with him

Camilla: you not over him tho

Talia: i am

Mika: ok

Camilla: ok so whats gon happen with you and Malik

Talia: he talking about getting married

Camilla: and???

Talia: I'm down for it

Mika: omg you are making a huge mistake Talia

Talia: maybe maybe not its my choice tho

Camilla: yea your right

Talia: yea but ill talk to yall later me and Malik suppose to be going out i have to go shower and get ready

Camilla: ok boo

Mika: have fun

Talia grabs her things and walks out

Mika: she crazy man

Camilla: yea but that's our bitch gotta love her

-3 hours later-

Talia: (texting Malik) so are we going out

Malik: not tonight bae me and Kai going to hang out tonight

Talia: ok have fun

Malik: what you about to do?

Talia: I'm about to go to sleep i guess

Malik: ok love you

Talia: love you too

She sits her phone down and turns on Netflix and watch movies until she falls asleep.....

A couple months later:::

Talia and Malik are still in a so called relationship but they barely see each other but talk on the phone like every other day Talia didn't mind if tho she was busy with work and chilling with her girls plus the sex with Malik was beyond awesome.... One day she was bored and on facebook and was curious about Kai and what he been up to so she decided to look up his name to see if he had a facebook page and she found him and sent him a friend request after she did that she called Mika

Mika: hello

Talia: what you doing

Mika: nothing just got home what you doing

Talia: nothing bored um i just sent Kai a friend request

Mika: omg you did

Talia: yes and bitch he still look good omg

Mika: shit he was sexy back then but what you think Malik gon say about you sending Kai a friend request

Talia: shit honestly i don't give a fuck

Mika: how things going with yall

Talia: girl this not no type of relationship i don't know what I'm even doing with him but the sex and the head bitch yes!!!

Mika: you stupid

Talia: I'm dead ass serious tho

Mika: I know you are crazy (she laughs) what am i gonna do with you

Talia: that's a good question i think about that about my damn self sometimes

Mika: you think he gon accept your friend request

Talia: shit to be honest hell no

Mika: only time will tell

Talia: right, but alright boo ill talk to you tomorrow I'm about to watch a movie and go to bed

Mika: what you about to watch

Talia: Savages

Mika: again bitch

Talia: bitch yes i love this movie

Mika: (laughs) ok crazy talk to you later

Talia: ok love you

Mika: love you too

They get off the phone and Talia lays down with her snacks and wine and start the movie but fell asleep halfway through the movie

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