Decisions ~ Chapter 22

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June 30th 2015::::

The girls meet up for their usual girls night and Talia's house

Mika: (walking into Talia's room with 3 bottles of wine) ok ladies lets have some fun

Camilla: damn bitch do we really need 3 bottles of wine and we have 2 bottles of Remy

Talia: right she trying to get us fucked up

Mika: stop being being a pussy damn

Talia and Camilla laughs

Talia: fine ok lets bless these bottles and get shit cracking then

The girls bless the bottles then crack them open and start pouring shots

Camilla: so ladies what's new?

Mika: I meet a guy he's super cute, funny, intelligent he's definitely my cup of tea

Camilla: nice... Talia what's been up with you

Talia: well im talking to a chick now she's dope i like our conversation she sexy banging body im the first chick she messed with tho so im not sure if its gonna go anywhere you know so i just having some fun with her

Camilla: damn bitch you always got some action going on

Mika: Ikr first this love triangle with Kai and Malik now you fucking with a bitch

Camilla: speaking of the love triangle what's going on with that?

Talia: things with me and Kai are amazing but with Malik not so good i want to break things off with him but i don't know how, i mean at the end the day that was my bestfriend at some point of time and i dont want to ruin our frienship

Mika: you kind of fucked that up by crossing that line with him

Camilla: then fucked it up more by agreeing to be with him and Kai

Talia: oh my god i honestly don't know what to do this is a fucked up situation

Camilla: it is

Mika: but Malik should already know that you would pick Kai over him that was your first love

Talia: I think he knows that and that's why he's been tripping

Mika: tripping like how?

Talia: he just been acting really strange, ok first i had went to the club Malik and Kai was there this guy tried to talk to me grabbed my ass and all that Kai and Malik beat him and his boys up then Kai brought me home and Malik went to go shoot they house up just crazy shit he losing his mind

Camilla: i seen something like that on the new this was like a couple weeks ago right

Talia: yea

Mika: oh damn

Talia: he just getting out of hand

Camilla: how Kai feel about all this

Talia: Kai think that Malik losing his mind too

Mika: yea sounds like he's losing his mind to me also

Camilla: ok bitch so what you gon do? Its gonna get worst if you keep egging it on and not be honest with Malik

Talia: I know, I know I just don't know how to end it honestly i scared to so I've just been avoiding him and give him short answers to shot when he talk hoping that he would get the hint and just leave me be

Mika: I doubt that's gonna happen so you need to come up with a plan and fast

Talia: ugh I know

Camilla: I was just thinking when you do finally decide to break things off with Malik that's gon fuck up not only your friendship with Malik but ots gonna mess up Kai and Malik friendship to

Talia: damn I didnt think about that

Mika: right so the question is can you handle fucking up they friendship or are you gonna leave both of them alone to avoid drama??

Camilla: that's a good question

Mika: so what you gon do Talia?

Talia: i dont know.....

Mika: well bitch you need to figure out something and fast

Talia: oh my god can we please just stop talking about this please!! Lets drink and talk about something else this shit making my head hurt

Camilla and Mika: ok ok

Mika: sooo how was the sex with ol girl

They bust out laughing and Talia goea into details about her previous girl on girl action

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