Chapter 27

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*It's been a month since Kai and Talia left for their little getaway, it was time for them to go back home Talia was excited because she missed her girls and couldn't wait to see them*

Talia: (on the phone with her girls) so do yall miss me yet 

Camila: yes bitch when you coming home 

Mika: right bitch then left us for Kai ass 

Talia: don't trip im going home i just dont know when yet 

Mika: so did you break things off with Malik crazy ass

Talia: yeah i did he flipped the fuck out 

Camilla: that nigga is nuts maybe its a good thing Kai took you away for a while 

Talia: yea 

Mika: so are you enjoying yourself?

Talia: yes its so beauitful here, me and Kai is getting really close i think i may be falling for him again its crazy but i am happy 

Mika: I always knew yall was gon get back together 

Talia: Ive always loved this man its like im in a fairytale but we just have to get rid of Malik ass so we could be happy or we wont be able to be together 

Mika: why not 

Camilla: Malik not gon have that shit thats why he probably potting on killing yall asses now 

(they start to laugh then Talia stops laughing)

Talia: on some real shit he just might yall im scared 

(Kai walks in the room and jumps on the bed)

Kai: hey Cam and Mika 

Talia: how you know i was talking to them 

Kai: those your bestfriends and I've kept you away from them for a whole month you cant just not talk to them for a whole month i know better than that 

Talia: yea thats true ( she laughs)

Kai: (leans in and kiss Talia) hey T 

Talia: whats up daddy 

Kai: I love you 

Talia: I love you too baby 

(they kiss)

The girls: aye we dont wanna hear all that shit ugggghh!!!

Talia: yall so childish 

Camilla: we gon let yall get to caking we have been on the phone for 3 hours 

Talia: ok I love yall

Camilla: love you too babe

Mika: love you boo cant wait to see you again whenever that's going to be 

Kai: maybe not until a couple months from now

(The girls start to yell Kai grabs Talia's phone and hang up)

Kai: you hungry baby?

Talia: no not right now, Im hungry for something else tho ( she climbs on top of Kai)

Kai: (smiles) oh really 

Talia: (kissing his neck) mmhm yes 

Kai: come get it then 

Talia takes Kai shirt off and start kissing his stomach down to his sweat pants and pulls his dick out just when she was about to take him in her mouth his phone rang

Kai: man damn (he grabs his phone) im sorry baby but i gotta take this

Talia: ok baby his cool 

Kai: ill be right back baby don't go to sleep on me you got me hard as hell ( he walks out the room and answers his phone) hello 

Malik: what's up my nigga 

Kai: man what

Malik: man chill out 

Kai: naw nigga wtf you what?

Malik: you still out of town 

Kai: man yeah why?

Malik: you still ain't heard from Talia?

Kai: man naw i told you i haven't talked to that bitch now stop calling me asking me about her im out of town on business 

Malik: alright nigga damn 

Kai: bye man 

Malik: bye 

Kai goes back in the room and see Talia sleep in bed. He gets in the bed kisses her and start to hold her and watch T.V until he fall asleep 

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