Chapter 1: Lets Get This Show On The Road!

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The town of Vale.  A town which is now holding the Vytal Festival. A time of year were everyone, from Vale, Mistral, Vacuo and Atlas, come together to remind each other of the peace they old with each other. The streets of Vale are no different. They decorate the streets and their shops for the festivities. Some shops may be new, some may be reopening. We see our favorite, Old Man Shopkeep, on his ladder hanging up a sign under his dust shop, From Dust Till Dawn. The sign said, "NEWLY RE-OPENED!"  Just as he finished hanging up the sign, he started to climb down the ladder to the floor. And as soon as his foot hit the ground, someone bumped into him causing him the fall on his butt. The person chuckled at the mistake they made.

???: "Excuse me, sorry."

She extended her hand to help the old man.

???: "I'm not really from around here."

Shopkeep accepted her help, and was pulled back onto his feet. The girl then showed him a paper with an address on it.

???: "Um, would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?"

The old man nodded and gave her the directions she needed. After doing so, she waved the man off walking backwards, before turning around and going her way.

???(2): "I knew you were lost."

She turned around to face the other person and walked up to him.

???: "Mercury. I will seriously pay you to shut up."

The girl said as she held out a wallet in front of him. Mercury shook his head while talking.

Mercury: "That's not your money."

???: "But it could be yours, for five minutes of silence."

Mercury: "Mmm. No deal."

The girl gave him a mean glare.

???: "Fine."

She took the money out of the wallet and threw it on the ground, and walked off. Mercury got off the wall he was leaning on and walked behind her.

Mercury: "Whatever. You want me."

As they were walking, they were met with a shadow portal in an alleyway to the side of them. They both had a hunch of who it was, so they decided to walk to it. And from that portal, walked out Nile, and another higher member of the Guild, hooded up.

Mercury: "Great. What's next?"

Nile: "Emerald, Mercury. You two are supposed to be doing you're jobs."

Emerald: "Well, first tell Torchwick he should be doing his."

Nile: "Roman has new orders that are to be done, ASAP. Anyways, I've been sent to escort your new 'playmate' for your tasks for the day."

Mercury: "And why can't you do it?"

Nile: "That isn't of your concern. Now, Mars is to follow you to finish whatever you are doing. Now get back to work."

Nile walked back into the portal, closing it behind him. Emerald and Mercury looked at the hooded boy, who assumed to be Mars. The boy took his hood off and shaked his head to get his long pink hair out of the hood.

Mars: "You heard him. Lead the way."

Mercury: "Where'd those pedals come from?"

The two continued their walk to wherever Roman was supposed to go. Now with Mars in tow.

Mercury: "So, how much farther?"

Emerald: "A few blocks."

Mercury: "Oh. This place is so dull."

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