Chapter 7: Burning the Candle, Extinguishing the Match

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A/N: INTRO 0:00-1:50

In the auditorium, Seth and Kai were either setting up guitar stands, or getting the drum set assembled. Kai was working on tightening is floor tom leg, then Weiss appeared to his side. He looked up to her and saw two tablecloths of the same color.

Kai: "Um, what's this for?"

Weiss: "Every table at a dance needs a tablecloth, we just need to know which to pick. So choose."

Kai then looked at both tablecloths then back to Weiss.

Kai: "Yeah, I see no difference."

Weiss: "Well there is."

Kai: "Shouldn't you be asking someone who knows about decor? Maybe ask Ruby. She isn't to busy."

Weiss: "You're right. I didn't think you would understand, no offense."

Kai: "None taken."

She nodded at him and walked over to Ruby, who was sitting at a table holding her head up. Weiss then slammed her hands on the table to get Ruby's attention.

Weiss: "I need you to pick a tablecloth."

She then slid the two pieces in front of her. Ruby then looked at both of the pieces, then back at Weiss.

Ruby: "Aren't they both the same?"

Weiss: "I don't even know why I asked."

She then walked off. Both Percy and Yang passed her, while carrying a giant speaker each. They both set them done and walked over to Ruby.

Yang: "So, have you picked out a dress yet?"

Ruby: "What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?"

Percy: "Geez, just let her be. She knows what she prefers more."

Seth then walked up to him.

Seth: "Dude, you're still on about that?"

Percy: "I'm not gonna let it go until she apologizes, and admits her mistake."

Yang: "Oh, don't worry. She's going."

Percy: "Tsk."

Yang then looked over at Weiss.

Yang: "Weiss! I thought we agreed, no doilies!"

Weiss then pointed a finger at Yang.

Weiss: "If I don't get doilies, you dont get fog macines."

The doors then opened, and everyone saw Ranger, Sun, and Neptune walking in. Ranger was carrying the mixer for the mics, speakers and cabinet mics for the amps.

Neptune: "Your dance is gonna have fog macines?"

Kai the shot his head from behind his drum kit.

Kai: "The STAGE is having a fog machine. Don't know about the ground level though."

Weiss then looked back to where Kai was, and smirked knowing it was time to make him jealous. She then walked up to Neptune.

Weiss: "We were thinking about it."

Neptune: "That's pretty cool."

Kai then began to fake gag, and stick tongue out.

Sun: "You guys and gals all excited for dress-up.?"

Ruby: "Pfft. Yeah, right."

Ranger then began to drink his water bottle.

Yang: "Laugh all you want, I'll be turning heads tomorrow night."

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