Chapter 2: Are You Ok?

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A/N: Intro. End at 1:50

Exchange students from the different schools keep arriving in time for the Vytal Festival. A new airship of them has landed in the docking area infront of the school, with Beacon and exchange students walking in the courtyard. And atop of the whole school, was the tower that homed Ozpins office. He and Goodwitch were staring down on the new airship that just arrived.

Goodwitch: "Iroonwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels."

Ozpin: "Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. But yes those are a bit of an eyesore."

He said as more Altesian airships approach Beacons grounds. Then a hologram on his desk starts to beep, telling him that someone is in the elevator and on the floor.

Ozpin: "Come in."

The doors opened to reveal a man in a white suit. He walked into the office. He extended his arms outwards.

???: "Ozpin."

Ozpin: "Hello, General."

Ironwood then walked up to Ozpin. He did the same.

Itonwood: "Please, drop the formalities."

He then shook hands with Ozpin.

Ironwood: "It's been to long. And Glynda."

He then faced Goodwitch walking to him.

Ironwood: "It has certainly been to long since we last met."

Goodwitch: "Oh James."

She said sarcastically.

Goodwitch: "I'll be outside."

She the walked out to the elevator.

Ironwood: "Well, she hasn't changed a bit."

Both of them walked over to the desk.

Ozpin: "So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?"

He the grabs a tea pot and a tea mug. He pours tea into the mug.

Ozpin: "Headmasters don't typically travel with their students for the Vytal Festival."

He handed the cup to Ironwood, who accepts the drink.

Ironwood: "Well you know how much I love Vale this time of year."

He then pulls out a flask from the inside of his coat and pours it into his cup.

Ironwood: "Besides, with you hosting I thought this might be a good opportunity for catch up."

Ozpin: "I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends."

He said as he walked to the back of his desk. He then sat down into his chair.

Ozpin: "However, a small fleet outside my window has me, somewhat concerned."

He said as he poured the drink into his mug.

Ironwood: "Well, concern is what brought them here."

Ozpin: "I understand travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult."

Ironwood: "Oz. You and I both know why I brought those now."

Ozpin took a sip of his drink and sighed.

Ozpin: "We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this, which is going to give off the wrong impression."

Ironwood: "But if what Qrow said is true-"

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