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tw: bulimia, eating disorder behaviors, mentions of calories

~found in the archives from the beginning of my recovery~

written on: september 8, 2021


Bowed over a toilet bowl

Knuckles grasping the porcelain so hard it could crack

Wave after wave of self hatred fills her throat 

Spills out of her mouth


So very far from beautiful

The calculator in her mind cannot be stopped

Powered by chemicals she cannot control

Until any calories at all become too many

Only safe for consumption if they are prefaced by a negative sign

So very far from beautiful 

Tears carve lines down her face

Disappointment filling her lungs with a bitter substance she cannot breathe

If only the tears could carve down her stomach and arms and thighs 

So very far from beautiful 

Sweaters and false compliments can't keep the cold away

It swallows her body

She doesn't fight it

After all she is just

So very far from beautiful 

How are such ugly actions supposed to make you beautiful?

She does not know, but still she cannot stop.

poetry by wunderWhere stories live. Discover now