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Techno had been in the foster care system since he was 4. And every time he did anything wrong he would get punished. He's learned stuff from all the 7 houses he's been to.

House 1: don't speak out of turn..

House 2: Don't yell or speak loud.

House 3: don't eat unless it is the assigned time to.

House 4: [Has yet to enter another foster house]

Every House he has been to has treated him badly. Ever since he came out as trans he has been abused. He returns to the foster care center with bruises, black eyes, ext. The only thing in his life that has kept him from ending it all was Wilbur. Wilbur soot. He is technos real brother. Infact the first person that knew that he was trans was Wilbur. They are inseparable. At least that's what techno thought. Until house 3. Techno was ready to leave when Wilbur when wasnt packing. Techno asked why and Wilbur told techno he wasn't going with him. He was going to a diffrent foster family. That day was the worst for techno. He was never the same after that.

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