Part 1

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The night was beautiful. The city lights were bright and twinkling, no villain in sight. No matter how much time passed, she could never get over the view Paris offered each night. The end of her hair brushed her cheeks, as if to keep her in the present. No longer in ponytails, she kept it loosely pulled back, held by a dark red bow. The bow had come undone; leaving her hair fallen carelessly around her shoulders, a victim to the wind. Breathing in, she smelt her partners cologne as he came to sit beside her, dangling his legs off the tower. She could feel the heat of his fingertips brush over hers as he leaned back. Glancing back at him, she smiled. His hair was as always; messy and his smile; lopsided.

"Good evening m'lady" He whispered, leaning back to lay his head on his hands. He seems at peace tonight. Ladybug was happy for him. She knew he struggled behind the mask. Laying on her back to match his energy, she turned to face him.

"Good evening" She replied. Taking in his side profile, Ladybug was shocked. Over the years that they had been fighting together, his boyish features had started to fade. His jaw was more pronounced and he was taller, but he was still her partner. The boy who still offered his heart in his hands, rejection after rejection.

Chat mirrored her position so they lay face to face. Inches apart. Their eyes met, neither looking away. He could see his reflection in her eyes, staring back. Pathetic. Having admitted to himself a long time ago that ladybug would never like him, Chat still struggled to calm his pounding heart. Thanks to his suit, his senses were heightened, picking up her scent from miles away. She smelt of warm laughter, sugar and roses. Her eyes were the darkest shade of blue that he had ever seen. Chat smiled, remembering the first time he ever looked at them, capturing his heart right away. Chaton swore he could see the night sky in her eyes. Give her up you moron, she is in love with another boy. Kicking himself, he was the first to look away. Gazing up at the sky instead, he begun humming a song his mom used to sing to him.
"Since there is no villain out tonight, should we end patrol early?" Ladybug's voice carried in breeze, stinging him. She's bored of you.

"Sure little bug." Standing up, Chat stretched .

His suit is tight. Her eyes travelled from his face, all the way down to his belt. Ladybug snapped her gaze away from his core, pretending to look for her bow. Her face was on fire.

"Looking for this" She turned and seen her bow hanging off of his claw, the ends twirling in the breeze.She swallowed and nodded her head. When she went to go grab it Chat lifted his hand up, just out of her reach. She groaned. Dragging her eyes to meet his, she could see they had a childish glimmer.

"Chat c'mon" Ladybug held her hand out.

" M'lady, you know it won't be that easy." Chat smirked, waving her ribbon in the wind.

Fine he wants to play, let's play. She reached up, willing her fingers to wrap around the material. Being Ladybug has its perks, one of them being good balance. Unfortunately for her, being a superheroin only improved so much.

"Come on, you're going to have to try harder then that" Chat lowered the ribbon ever so slightly, holding it just out of reach. He watched as she let out an exasperated sigh. Try as she might, Ladybug was too short.

She hadn't meant to take it this far. One minute she was standing on her tippy toes, and then next she wasn't. Bracing herself for the fall, she closed her eyes. Instead of being met with cold, hard cement; she felt claws clamp around her waist. The tips of his claws dug into her suit, bruising her skin. Feeling her heart begun to pound and heat flush the tips of her ears, Ladybug opened one eye. Chats tail had wrapped around one of her legs, and his chest was rising up and down. She could feel how fast his heart was beating, matching pace with hers.

Her head was resting on the crook of his neck, her lips kissing his skin. When she blinked, chat could feel her eyelashes tickle the skin just below his ears. He gulped. His hands had came to rest on her hips, just below her curves. It didn't help that her suit was skin tight. He could feel everything.

Horrified, she lay dead still trying to convince herself this wasn't happening. She heard Chat groan. Quickly, she shot up. Her hands were on either side of him, as well as her legs. She had completely pinned him...ACCIDENTALLY , she screamed in her head. Her eyes fell on his lips. They were red, painted with confusion. His tongue wet his bottom lip, fangs dragging the bottom corner. To her horror, she felt a rush of want. What the hell! What is wrong with me?!" Unable to rip her eyes from his lips, her fingers shakily brush dust off his cheek. His hand met hers, lacing their gloved fingers together. Chat Noir moved his other hand to her bottom lip. Ladybug felt the rough material of his suit slide over her mouth. Mimicking his actions, she moved her hand from his cheek down to his lips. Her other hand resting on his chest. Chat slowly sat up, testing his partner.

Ladybugs eyes met his. Raw emotion flashed, passing through the others reflection. Their lips were inches apart. Both teenagers were frozen in place, questioning the others actions. What are you doing Ladybug? Chat's chest rose and fell, increasing in pace with every breath. The closer her mouth moved, the harder she leaned on his chest. His body begun to tingle. Chat inhaled a shaky breath.

BEEP! BEEP! Ladybug fell backwards, off of her partner. She scurried to her feet, leaving her partner dumbfounded on the ground. Her miraculous had warned her. Or rather, Tikki had. She knew better. She turned away from Chat who had stood up, questions shining in his eyes. She whispered one word, that echoed in his ears, blocking out the ringing in his ears. He watched her swing away before he could try to stop her, her red ribbon still laced through his fingertips.


They had known each other for years, watched each other grow, mature, and change. But feelings only grow stronger the longer you deny fate.

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