Part 7

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   His placed his right hand on the curve of her lower back and held her other hand lightly. His fingers spread out on her back, taking up as much room as possible. It had begin to rain lightly, droplets falling all around them. Ladybug placed her other hand on his chest right above his heart. She could feel his heartbeat through the material of his suit; strong yet steady. Just like him. Ladybug looked into his eyes, not caring if her stare conveyed her secrets. She found herself searching for something in his gaze. Her partner was smiling at her, yet his smile didn't reach his eyes. The boy took his time meeting her gaze. His eyes were sad, the multiple shades of green conveying emotions she had never seen her partner have. What is he thinking about? Does he not want to dance anymore? You are being a real ass you know Marinette, telling him that you two can't be together, only to go back on your word. Part of the girl knew what she was doing was wrong, but the other part of her yearned for this closeness. Yearned for her partner. All she truly wanted was to love and be loved, with no consequences.

Despite his calm demure, Chat was nervous. He had almost no idea in the slightest about what he was doing, even if his father had enlisted him in many dance lessons. But what was really causing him the most trouble, was trying to keep Ladybug from tripping over her own feet. For a heroin, she is surprisingly clumsy. He smiled at her, watching her curse under her breath every time she stumbled.

A band had begun playing from beneath the tower, the music faint in the background. Chat's hand slide down her back, resting on her waist. He spun her around, watching her every move in slow motion. Since this was the last night he would allow himself to love, he promised himself he would remember every little detail of the girl in front of him. All the way from how many stray raindrops had landed on her cheek, to the way her eyes sparkled, capturing the Paris sky. She spun slowly, her small hand holding loosely onto his fingers. She was on her tippy toes, and her hair had come undone from behind her ear, where she had tucked it earlier. Her eyes were closed and a smile had crept across her face. Chat brought her back, dipping her softly. His hands steading her. Hearing her laugh as he dipped her, brought a bittersweet smile to his face.

He liked listening to her laugh, the rare occasion that she truly let herself be free. Chat knew that whenever they were together, she let her guard down. Knowing this made Chat always try to bring a smile to her face, whenever he could; even if it was the middle of a battle. She has dimples he noticed, making his heart hurt more. Her hands moved to the back of his neck, resting her fingertips against his skin. He shivered, as she looked up at him, moving both his hands to her waist, letting him hold her. Looking into her eyes once more, he recognized the heavy emotion staring back at him. It was the look he used to give her for years. The look you see pass between an elderly couple as they sit on a bench together or the look exchanged between young couples that he passed on the streets during patrol. Love.

The rain had picked up, soaking both heroes from head to toe. Neither noticed or seemed to care. They were too caught up in the other's eyes. No words were exchanged, for fear that the evening would end. The pair slowly stopped dancing, making no effort to let go of the other. Their faces were inches apart, leaving almost no space between them. The girl stood on her tippy toes, while the boy tilted his head down, nevertheless still towering over her. His hands had spread out on her waist, big enough to brush the ends his fingertips together. Her hands had found themselves tangled in his hair, water droplets running down her arm.

The band was still playing and time was still ticking. But for the heroes, time might as well of stopped. Droplets were running down Chat's face, a steady stream running off of his chin. His hair was soaked, somehow making him look even better. His eyelashes has clumped together, matching Ladybug's. Leaning forward, Chat rested his forehead against his partners. He held her face in his hands, stroking her cheek tenderly; like a little kid holding glass, scared to make one wrong move and break it. This moment will haunt me forever he thought, cursing himself for allowing it to.

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