Listen to My Love all mine for this chapter

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Normally cats don't like the rain. Especially being soaked in it. But tonight, Chat Noir found himself standing still, watching the droplets fall on the cement all around him. Rain would forever remind him of what he would try drastically to forget. For better or for worse. Closing his eyes, Chat rubbed his hands on his face, trying to calm down. The memory of her touch burned, scarring his skin. No amount of rain would ever be able to put out the trail of fire she had set ablaze.  No matter how fast or far he ran, the scent of her perfume would linger, following him. Sticking to him like glue. Reminding him of what he had left behind. No matter how hard he tried, this boy would never be able to out run her ghost.

Turning back to look at the Eiffel Tower one last time, Chat let himself cry. Tears streamed down his face, laced with salt. Memories flashed through his mind. The look that has danced between their longing glances. How the rain had soaked her, leaving a slight wave on her hair. The way she fit perfectly in his arms, like a the final piece of a puzzle. The first time he ever met Ladybug, getting stuck in her yoyo before they had even exchanged names. How she had won him over with her speech to the whole city . She was so confident in their ability to take down Hawkmoth. Confident in her partner. Trusting him. Welcoming him into her life, turning a complete stranger into a life long friend. Smiling to himself, he remembered how foolish they had been. Two awkward teenagers barely out of middle school; tasked with defending Paris.

The wind had picked up, scattering garbage around his feet. Tucking her ribbon back in his pocket, he took a deep breath. In one night, their relationship had went from being friends, to lovers, to strangers again.  Chat turned his back to the tower, heading back to the Agreste mansion. Buildings blurred past him as he rubbed the tears from his eyes; feeling like a child crying over a scratch, waiting for their mom's help. No use crying, you can't like her no matter how bad it hurts. He had to admit, he knew better. It had been obvious from the start how his night would once again end; alone in his room.

Green surrounded him as his kwami emerged from his ring. Plagg looked at his owner, taking in the state of the boy. Usually he would pester Adrien for cheese, but tonight was an exception.The teen had his head resting in his hands, a small puddle forming at his feet. A mix of rain and tears hit the floor boards at a steady pace. Plagg had seen this behaviour before, way too many times. Century after century, owner after owner. Without fail, every Chat Noir fell for every Ladybug. Plagg want sure if there would ever be a time where Ladybug would fall first, but he was sure of one thing. They were made for eachother. The power of the love always won, no matter the battle.

"Hey Kid.." Plagg placed his small paw on Adrien's shoulder. Adrien turned his head to face Plagg, tears streaming down his face. A weak smile danced on his lips as he met his kwami's eyes.

"Pathetic right. Don't worry Plagg, tonight will be the only night I allow myself to feel this way for her ever again" Adrien's voice crackled at the end of his sentence, heavy with heartbreak. His kwami simply shook his head in response, wiping the tears off of his master's cheek.

These were the times that Plagg wished Adrien's mother was still around, or that his father was present. With all his walls down, Adrien reminded Plagg of a little boy. Confused, lonely, missing his mom and drowning in a sense of abandonment. It pained the black cat to watch Adrien go through this alone, without any friends or family. Plagg had made a promise to himself, the first night he had met Adrien. He promised himself to always be there for the boy, and to never abandon him. Plagg would be the one solid thing Adrien could rely on in his life.

"Go to sleep kiddo" Plagg nudged his shoulder, and flew to his cheese drawer. He waited as Adrien changed into his pjs, and brushed his teeth. Just as Adrien was turning off the bedroom lights, he glanced over at his kwami.

"Thanks Plagg" He whispered, flicking the light switch and getting into bed. As he closed his eyes, he felt Plagg curl up in the crook of his arm. Faint purring could be heard coming from the little kitten, making Adrien smile as he drifted off to sleep.

He watched as Ladybug spun around in the air, amazed by her ability to still looks so beautiful even in the middle of battle. The sun was bouncing off her hair, showing him the streaks of different colour being held up by her signature red ribbon. Watching her capture the akuma always mesmerized him, she handled herself with such grace and confidence. Her back was turned to him, letting him stare at her with no consequence. His heart hurt as he knew that he was dreaming. Memory of his hands on her back made him shiver, even if he had been standing directly in the sun. He watched as she turned to him, a smile lighting up her face. She looked younger, maybe about 17. He could tell from her demur that he was the same age. The year they both turned 17, was the first year he felt seen by his partner. He would catch her staring at him when she thought he wasn't looking, swearing under her breath. Her behaviour changed towards him, once confident now shy. Walking towards him, she tilted her head, looking him up and down. Smiling to himself, he tilted his head to match hers.

"Like what you see m'lady?" His smirk grew as he watched the tip of her ears redden. Rolling her eyes, she went to turn away from him; embarrassed. Before she could, Chat grabbed her hand. She looked back at him with alarm and confusion written all over her face. If he couldn't love her in real life, he could dream. No setbacks.No rules. It could finally just be them. One lost boy and his beacon of light.

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