Part 3

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Adrien sighed, flopping onto his bed. The whole day he had been thinking of his last patrol with Ladybug. He wished he hadn't taken her ribbon, so then maybe none of the events that had followed could have happened. I don't regret it, he thought as he fished the ribbon out of his pocket. He had become accustom to bringing the ribbon everywhere with him, feeling her presence beside him throughout the day. The silk material was so delicate yet strong; just like his lady. Groaning, he rolled over, shoving his head into his pillow.

" What's the matter kid, you've been moping around all day" Plagg's voice echoed out of the cheese drawer. That's where Adrien keeps all the camembert, in hopes it didn't stink up his whole room. It did.

" I can't focus." Adrien wasn't lying, but he wasn't telling the whole truth. He was thinking of his partner, but he was also thinking of his classmate which frustrated him even more.

"Go for a patrol." Plagg sighed," that's what's helped all the past Chat noirs when they're heartbroken." As soon as the Kwami mentioned leaving his cheese; he regretted it .
Adrien shot up. Tossing more cheese at his Kwami, he pressed audio play on his piano. That way father won't come while I'm gone .


Opening his window Chat felt the cold air embrace him, welcoming him back. The freedom his suit provided, made him feel invincible. He left modelling behind, roaming the Paris streets as something more. Someone more. Someone who he didn't have to pretend to be; himself. There were no clouds in the sky, and the moon was shining bright. Chat Noir left off the ledge he had perched on, his body acted on its own. Heart silencing mind. He went to his favourite place, where no one could go except the two heros. It was just him tonight. He sighed, let down by his lady once again. Unzipping his pocket, he ran his fingers along the ribbon's seam. It was a dark red, like wine. Or her lips. He took a deep breath, his lungs filling up with cold, crisp air.

Something smells good.Immediately he opened his eyes. Where the hell are the croissants?He took off. His staff extending and shooting him across the city, buildings blurring past. The closer he got to the source, the more he recognized where he was. Stopping on a roof top, Chat took in the buildings and streets below him. Looking across the road, his eyes landed on a girl. She was sitting on her balcony, hair hanging loose in a braid. She appeared to be mumbling to herself, hands flying around in the air. Tilting his head, he smiled. Marinette.

"CHAT NOIR!" Marinette shrieked.She watched him duck behind the buildings wall, disappearing before she could even blink. Quickly she tucked her hair behind her ears, and tried to fix her clothes the best she could. She was in her pjs, having went up to the balcony after stealing freshly baked croissants from her dad before going to bed. Marinette had been thinking about leaving Chat on the Eiffel Tower. Her heart pounded at the thought of feeling his chest rise and fall, his heartbeat falling in sync with hers. Snapping herself out of it, she leaned against the balcony railing, balancing on her tippy toes.

"Chat?" She called out into the night, waiting for him to reappear. His cat ears appeared first followed by blonde hair and a chesterchat smile. He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. She waved him over, padding the balcony ledge beside her. With one click of his staff, the boy was two feet away from her.

"Hey princess"

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