Part 6

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Chat could tell from the silence between them, that he was going to be heartbroken by the end of the night. Earlier that day, Ladybug had texted him asking to meet after they finished patrol. They had fought Andres, having defeated the shop owner once again. Andre had been one of the biggest fan of the superhero's, insisting that they were meant for eachother. He had apologized profusely after the deakumatization, handing them each an ice cream cone; insisting it was on the house. Chat watched as Ladybug shook Andre's hand and turned around. She looked up at her partner, tilting her head to the side motioning for them to leave.

"Have a purrfect evening Andres" Chat smiled at the man, noticing how much older he has got since their first match. He had sprinkles of white hair beginning to appear, matching his moustache. Andres laughed and waved the heroes away, whistling as he walked back to his icecream stand.

"Shall we m'lady..." Chat turned to his partner, taking in her silence. Whatever she has to say to me tonight must be serious... she didn't even roll her eyes at my bad pun... Chats ears begun to point downwards as the heroes travelled towards the Eiffel Tower. Even if he was heading to his heartbreak, Chat still appreciated spending time with his partner. It wasn't often that they hung out after akuma attacks now, because of how busy their civilian lives were. Both heroes were seniors in highschool, even is Chat could never figure out which school his lady attended.

With Ladybug ahead of him, he could freely admire her all he wanted without her noticing. One of his favourite things to do during their patrols was just simply watch Ladybug. No matter how tense she started off to be, a smile would always end up on her face as she swung through Paris. He liked watching her hair blow in the wind, occasionally getting caught in the red ribbon tying pieces of it back. Watching her still enjoy being a hero made Chat admire her more. He knew she had struggled with becoming the guardian of all the miraculous. There had been several fights between them when she first became the guardian, resulting in many hurt feelings. It didn't help that Chat liked her. Loved her. He knew that tonight would be the last night he would allow himself to feel that kind of emotion for Ladybug, breaking his own heart before they even reached the tower.

Ladybug was nervous. Super nervous. All night Chat had been offering nothing but supportive glances and smiles. There was an unspoken agreement between them. Tonight is the night. Tonight would be the night Ladybug was forced to come face to face with what she'd been actively avoiding. Her feelings. As she swung closer and closer towards the Eiffel Tower, she glanced behind her. Chat was already looking at her, a small smile playing with his lips. Goosebumps spread all over her like a fire out of control as she snapped her head back around.

Arriving at the tower, she begun to question her plan. Or lack there of. It didn't help that Chat wasn't saying anything. Silence hung between them. Unspoken words banging against her heart. She took a deep breath, sitting on the edge of the tower hoping the cold metal would ground her. She dangled her feet, looking out to the city below her. Chat sat beside her, smile faltering. Ladybug could sense his confusion and cursed him silently for being so oblivious.

"Chat..." She whispered, turning to face him. His ears were down, and he continued to look out at the city. At the sound of her voice, she felt his tail wrap around her wrist, the teenage boy completely unaware. His hair was messy, reflecting the golden lights from the tower. She watched him slowly blink, his lashes brushing against eachother. He gulped, fighting the urge to turn towards her. If I turn to face her, I won't be able to turn away...He faintly smiled at the way his name sounded leaving  her lips, feeling his heart beat faster.

"Chat... about what happened on our last patrol..." Ladybug could barely find the correct words. She was too nervous to finish her sentence. She looked down at his tail, still wrapped around her wrist. Come on Marinette... you can't keep avoiding everything. She took a deep breath and continued, not daring to look at her partner.

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