Part 4

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What brings you to this side of town?" Marinette slid the plate of freshly baked croissants over to the hero, knowing they were his favourite. His eyes widened and his mouth begin to water.

"Well y'know got to patrol and stuff..." His voice trailed off as he watched bread flakes fall off and crumble onto the streets below. What a waste. Marinette smiled, breaking off a corner of the croissant.

"Could the stray perhaps use a snack?" She tilted her head, bringing the freshly baked dough up to her lips. Teasing the boy, she waved the other half of the croissant just far enough away from him so that he couldn't reach. Stomach grumbling, Chat Noir couldn't even bring himself to form a proper sentence. Without thinking, he spun around, feet landing on the balcony; accidentally knocking the remaining croissants onto the streets below in the process. God damn it Agreste look what you did. He leaned over the railing, watching the still warm bread now soak up street water. He heard Marinette giggle.

"What's so funny"

    He turned his attention back to the baker's daughter. With every step forwards; she stepped back. A smirk danced on her lips. Annoyed, Chat took one last step forward, trapping her against the balcony. What side of Marinette is this.. Adrien had never seen Marinette this confident and he didn't know how to react. Towering over his classmate, he leaned over her. Hands on either side of her slim frame. He had never been this close to her as Adrien, much less Chat Noir. Her hair had fallen out of her braid, curls hugging her face. Briefly forgetting about the croissant in her right hand, his eyes roamed; taking her all in. Her cheeks were painted pink, freckles faint. She has freckles.. cute.. WHAT. Chat's brow furrowed; confused with his thoughts. Her pjs were a light pink, the tank top had small black cats printed all over. A small bow was sown on, meeting the lace trim in the middle. Briefly smiling at the sight of the material's pattern, he felt heat rush to the tips of his ears. Her collarbone was prominent, almost begging him kiss it. For bottoms, she was wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants with a green cat print on the side. As his eyes moved back up to her face he felt his heart beat speed up. What are these feelings... what is going on? Her eyes were peering up at him, her hands loosely holding onto the baked treat. He could feel her staring at his lips, watching conflict dance across her brow. Her eyes darted between meeting his gaze and glancing down to his lips. Down. Back up. And down again. Dragging his fang across his bottom lip, he smirked.She's distracted. Slowly, he moved one of his hands away from the wall, brushing his hand against hers. He tightened his grasp around the croissant held limply in her hand.

" Gotcha!" Proud of his successful robbery, he begun backing away from Marinette, who was still frozen. Her face was on fire, her sight blurred. His lips had been inches from hers once again, except this time she wasn't going to back away. Grabbing the bell on his suit, she pulled him back towards her. In the process, she spun him around, slamming his back onto the brick wall she had just been against moments before.

"What-" Chat gulped the last of the croissant, surprised. She held onto his bell tightly, standing on her tippy toes. She had a look of determination painted on her face, eyes trained on his mouth.

"You missed a spot." She brought her face closer. Chat had crumbs of sugar on the corner of his lips, too eager from eating the baking then to be neat about it. She hesitated, lightly kissing the corner of his mouth, the taste of icing sugar filling her mouth. She couldn't help herself. He had a smirk on his face all night and she was sick of it. Her teeth teased his lip, biting down. She felt Chat hesitate. Pulling away, Marinette's face flushed. What have I done?

"Sorry" Mumbling an apology, she didn't dare look him in his eyes. Backing away, she hurried over to the door leading to her room. Face on fire, she fumbled for the latch.

    Chat didn't know what to do or say. Originally he had came for croissants and was left with a cherry scented kiss on his lip. One minute he was in charge, and the next he was the one left shocked. He brought his claw up to the corner of his mouth, feeling where her lips had just been seconds before. Her perfume hung in the air, embracing him in a hug. Her face had been a bright pink as she mumbled an apology, and he had tilted his head to the side; confused. What was that about? Just as Marinette finally got the latch to open, Chat Noir snapped out of it.

"Princess wait" He quickly walked over to where she was kneeling. She turned her head towards him, shame burning all over her body. First Ladybug.. now Marinette... I'm done with being left behind. He held out his hand, smiling. Willing her to take it. When she hesitated, he grabbed her hand; lifting her to her feet.

"I'm sorry Chat I shouldn't have done that I don't know what I was thinking well I wasn't thinking and we have known each other for so long and I don't know what I was doing .."She rambled, avoiding his gaze. Before she could take her hand back, he crashed his lips onto hers. Under the mask, his face was on fire and his heart was pounding. Her lips tasted of cherry lipbalm with a hint of icing sugar. Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck, tangling her hands in his hair. She kissed him back.

Both teenagers were confused, embarrassed and ashamed but didn't stop. His hands hovered above her waist, landing lightly on her back. Forgetting how sharp his claws were, Chat dug into her back; deepening the kiss. She gasped. His brain went foggy and he couldn't think straight. She's kissing me back. He felt her squirm, causing him to pull away. Her eyes were dark, his reflection shining back at him. She untangled her hands from his hair but maintained eye contact. God her eyes are beautiful. Breathless, they leaned their foreheads together. Silence surrounded them. No words were said. The summer air was warm, as Chat bent down to whisper in her ear.

"Goodnight Princess"

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