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It was quite a few days after Haerin got some horrible talking from her mother, right after her cousins left the house.

But that didn't matter to her right now. Because as of now, she's on her iphone, talking with her bestfriend. 

"WHAT!!! SHE GOES TO OUR SCHOOLL.???" the not so shy girl screamed in the phone line, "Oops, sorry Minji..." she chuckled slightly, before going back to their talk. 

It appeared that she did go to the same school, and the same age. Practically meaning Haerin had a chance to be classmates with her. Which also meant for a better chance for the two to become good friends. 

As their conversation went on, Haerin weirdly asked everything what Danielle told about herself to Minji. Making her look weird, but Minji found her adorable and just agreed. 

The black-haired girl informed all of it to Haerin. From her interests, to about-herself, she said it all. This girl really loved her. Falling for her weirdness, her soft voice. Everything about this Kang girl. She smiled as she continued.

Now it was Haerin's turn to speak. Telling about her crazy adventure caused by her annoying cousins, and even her own sister. Going on about her spending minutes at the market, while her cousins starved. Hyein laughing in the worsts situations, Minji listened to all. If her mind could speak, Haerin would have heard: I can listen to your voice all day, everyday, anywhere.

Minji giggled hearing Haerin ramble about her silly time with her cousins. But it didn't take long for Haerin to switch topics, and go back to Danielle, causing a bit of shock to the girl on the other line.

"Anyway, imagine I become classmates with Danielle..." 

Minji had a tiny laugh, knowing she definitely made her day.

"Wow, not even me?" Minji teased, making Haerin speed an apology from her mouth. Minji smiled, and had a look of adoration in her eyes, while looking at her phone. Though she couldn't see her crush's face, she only imagined it. Imagined what she looked like. 

Time passed by quickly, from seconds of talking becoming hours of chattering, it was entertaining talks. But it soon became midnight. And Minji wasn't the type to sleep way too late, so she smoothly notified Haerin. The cat hummed in response, not long until she softly whispered, "Goodnight." Minji got sudden butterflies in her stomach, and replied back.

Like the same as before, Minji could not stop smiling at her phone. But a difference was made, from a text, versus hearing it. She smiled in a crazy (good) way, than in the past. Just hearing it, made her strangely sleep comfortable tonight.


Sunny morning, sunny day. Haerin softly wiped her eye with the palm of her hand, and tugged away the comforter, moving it to the side of her bed. Haerin found all her force, and stood herself up from her comfy position. She sighed, and went ahead to do her morning skincare, and later head downstairs.

It reached 9AM, Haerin took her phone, and decided to text Minji, an early goodmorning. She felt bored, and again, text her Minji once more. This time being different, being if they could hangout. 

Waiting for her response, she decided to eat breakfast. Grabbing a spoonful of rice, she scrolled on Tiktok. Not long before a notification sound, and text popping in her screen which in beforehand, showed a tomato frog: her random obsession. 

The text showed:

Sure! what time do u want?

Haerin looked at the top left of her screen. The time showed 9:27 AM. She hummed to her favourite song, while thinking hard. 

Finally, it was chosen. 10:00. She texted her response, and finished her morning meal. Minji responded regularly, and logged off. So did, Haerin.

As she finished washing her dishes, she ran upstairs. Suddenly, she heard a door kob twisting open, showing a tall sibling.

Haerin tried to dodge away from her sight, but failed miserably. 

"Where you going?" Hyein yawned, waiting for her shorter sister's answer.

Haerin hummed a nowhere, bit seemed like Hyein wasn't that dumb either.

"I'm going to Minji," she fixed her hair, "Go eat the leftovers from yesterday, tell mom too." Hyein just nodded, and walked tiredly down the stairs. Haerin smiled at her sister's cuteness, though she was annoying.

She reached for her doors knob, and entered. She then slid open the doors of her closet, and decided what to wear. She shrugged, and wore baggy jeans, with a styled long-sleeves, topping it off with a chained necklace. After, she decided to fix her hair, leaving it down and curled it.

As she finalized her looks, and decided it was her final look, she took her purse, and walked down the carpeted stairs, while playing on her phone. The time on it, showed 9:48, so she decided to leave the house already. 

"Bye Hyein! I' gonna be back later." Hyein responded, with an 'ok', making Haerin leave the house.

As planned, the two met up near the huge tree, from before. She took a saunter around the tree, admiring the beauties of it.

Time neared to be atleast almost 10, so she decided to sit on a nearby bench, while once again, scrolling on her phone. 

Finally, before exactly 10:00 AM, she began to see two figures.

One being obviously Minji, with the other, not to familiar, but she's definitely saw before. As they've strolled closer, Haerin knew who the other was. She was shocked, bery shocked. She quickly turned around, and got onto her phone's camera, to see how she looked. She didn't want to look ugly if this was their first hangout.

"Haerin-ah." Minji called her. The catgirl immediately looked back into their direction, and smiled awkwardly. While Danielle waved at the awkward smiling, she placed on a genuine on. Minji began introducing her.

"Wait, weren't you the one at the café, from before?" Danielle asked. Haerin stuttered to how she could remember that, "Y-yeahh." 

"Well, my name is Danielle! I'm sure Minji probably told you that."

She put on a little smile, "Kang Haerin."

As awkward as it got, their hangout became worse. Haerin literally looked like she freezed, mid-convo with Danielle. While Minji smiled at her cuteness.

"By the way,"Danielled began to ask, soon grabbing everyone's attention, "would you guys like to go to the café again?"

The two agreed.

And they set off.


i think im gonna start updating more before school starts😭😭😭

oh wait 

so like ima be on vacay so i wont be updating...

but ima try my best anyway (not sure how but oh well pls bare w me😭)

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