The One where Sunrise is just another Sunset

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Lisa's POV

{Ring Ring}

I groaned as I heard my phone ringing. I tried to open my eyes but it was such a struggle so I just let my hand find it on my nightstand. I heard a couple of items falling from my nightstand before I finally touched my phone.

I grabbed it and finally was able to open my eyes to see who it was.

Of course, it's her lawyer.


"Good morning Miss Manoban or better yet, good afternoon. I'm just calling to inform you that if you still fail to submit the papers with your complete signatures by the end of this week, we will be forced to bring this case straight to court. No matter whether you cooperate or not, the judge will still favor my client, however, it might cause more damage on your part so I suggest that you finally cooperate, Miss Manoban."

I released a deep sigh as I massage my temple using my other hand.


"Well, have a nice day, Miss Manoban. I hope you will comply this time."

Once she dropped the call, I threw my phone across the room and tried to sleep again.

However, I was in such a bad mood because of that call that I couldn't go back to sleep again anymore. I just lay on my bed with my blanket covered all over me and just reminisce about the good moments I spent with her when we were still happy together.

I suddenly felt something heavy on me. I took the cover off my head and saw my cat Leo blinking his eyes at me. I felt my lips curve a little before petting my cat who seems to be the only one who can comfort me right now.

I heard him purring as I continued to pet him.

"Thank you for staying, buddy." I said and gave him a kiss.

After about an hour of just lying on my bed while staring at the ceiling, I finally got up and did my morning routine. Well, I guess it's afternoon routine since it's already 2 in the afternoon. I took a can of beer from my fridge and sat on my stool on my countertop.

I heaved a deep sigh before opening the envelope of papers that I have to sign.

I can't believe our supposed happy ending came to this. Those 5 years of our loving relationship and 4 years of marriage just ended like this. It ended with a pile of divorce papers that I couldn't bring myself to sign.

I couldn't bring myself to sign these papers not until you let me see you again one last time.

I picked up my phone from the floor where I threw it and started typing a message. I finally decided to sign the papers but I wanted to see her first. I want us to talk first for the last time before we officially get divorced.

After a few minutes, I heard my phone buzz. It was her. She replied to my message right away. She agreed to meet me tomorrow at lunch at our favorite coffee shop. The one we always go to when we're still together.


Ever since I built a music record company, I always spend more time in the office to finish some work, leaving me to always take overtime almost everyday. Our company that I built together with my friend Jennie lost a lot of revenue last year because of one of our artists.

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