The One Where She Doesn't Need Eyes To See (Part 4)

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{Fast forward}

Lisa's POV

It's been months since I moved into an apartment because my mom who got the house after her divorce from my father was finally sold. At first, I had a fight with her when I found out she put it on the market.

I got angry because that house was the only one left for me.

It's the only thing left with Liam's memory.

"You're painting again?"

I was startled and it made me stop from what I was doing when I heard my mother's voice.

"Mom, you scared me." I uttered as I held onto my chest.

Mother: I've been knocking on your door, you don't answer.

"You don't answer my messages, my calls, and even my knocks. Aish this brat!" She added as she gave me a tight hug.

A tight hug you give to someone you haven't seen for a long time.

"Mom, how did you manage to enter?" I asked with a puzzled look.

Mother: I'm your mother. Of course, I have a spare key to your apartment.

She said as she finally pulled away to examine my body.

Mother: You look better, honey. You look healthier than the last time I saw you. I'm glad you're finally putting some weight on you. Did you finally stop eating egg sandwiches? You won't get that much nutrition if that's all you eat.

She suddenly switches her gaze from me to the painting behind me that I was currently doing before she came uninvited in my apartment unit. I immediately grabbed her shoulder and gently dragged her out of the spare room that I converted into a studio.

Of course, she protested and tried to peek at the painting.

Mother: Who was that beautiful girl you're painting?

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked and dodged her question.

Mother: I came here to check on you and if you are settling into your new place. Plus, I brought you groceries and home-cooked food to make sure you're eating nicely.

She said as I looked at my dining table full of grocery bags.

"Thanks, mom. But you don't have to—" I was cut off when she suddenly hugged me again.

Mother: I'm so happy you're painting again, honey.

Mother: You don't know how happy I am seeing you doing the thing you love again.

I heard my mom's voice cracking as she was now sobbing as she hugged me even tighter.

"Yes, mom. I can't believe I could still paint again even after being idle all these years."

Mother: I guess your hands never forget what your mind chose to forget, honey.

I chuckled at her response.

Mother: Are you still mad at me for selling the house?

"No, mom. I'm not mad anymore."

She gently pulled away from our hug to look at me.

Mother: Honey, I only sold that house because it's too big for you—

"And because I want you to finally move on and live a life free from guilt and pain." She added and I felt my eyes on the brink of tears.

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