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It was a spooooky spooky night. A truck had just pulled up to a family home. Emily and Owen were hunting a ghost cuz the pay was good.

"I hope we meet some HOOOOTTT babes today" Owen grinned deviously.

"Bro I am shaking in my boots rn" Emily was indeed shaking in her newly bought boots.

"Ok so what do we do" Owen asked.

"Do you not know? It's ok though because I used to play Specter from Roblox." Emily replied reassuringly.

Emily grabbed the EMF reader, the Spirit Box, and then the crucifix

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Emily grabbed the EMF reader, the Spirit Box, and then the crucifix. Owen grabbed the UV flashlight, book, and orb googles. They then opened the tailgate by pressing a button and skipped out the truck and into the rainy night.

They headed for the home, hold on i gotta fart

They headed for the home, and opened the door. They went inside, and Emily pulled out the EMF reader.

"Okay, so first we gotta find the ghost room." Emily stated, looking around. The lights were off so they couldn't see shart. 

"Uh, how do we do that?" Owen questioned.

"if this beeps at 3 its prob the ghost room and if it's like really cold you know, erm then yes" Emily responded, and the two then started to move from room to room.

Kitchen? Nope. Living room? Nope. garage? Nope. Basement? Good thing its not.

They then made their way upstairs, and found that the EMF level read 5 in the kid's room. 

"BRO WHAT IF ITS A DEMON BABY WHAT THE HELL" Emily looked at Owen with worry, her heart rate accelerating. 

"Nahhh bro just kick it man" Owen shrugged.

"Dude, in the journal it says it's one of the worst ghosts to encounter" Emily noted, taking out her journal. Owen then started to look for fingerprints with his UV flashlight, and found one near the door. 

"Oi, fingerprint here." Owen pointed.

Emily quickly circled the evidence in her journal.

"Okay, it's definitely demon..." 

Suddenly, she could hear the generic horror game heartbeat when the enemy is near you. So did Owen. And so Owen and Emily crowded near the corner of the room like that one scene in Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. 

"Holy sh#t what do we do what do we do" Owen sweated, his eyes wide. Emily quickly took out her crucifix. 

"The demon is scared of the crucifix!" Emily stated, before watching the ghost come into the room. At first it was extremely mad and fast but when it saw the cross it slowed down, becoming more hesitant. Hell, it really was a demon baby.

"Oh, so NOW you hesitant, huh?! YOU SCARED?!!?!?! YOU SCARED OF THIS CRUCUFUX!!?!" Emily asked, getting more confident. She then ran at the ghost with the crucifix and threw it at the child, hitting it's head. As soon as it touched it, the ghost disappeared and the cross landed on the floor with a thump.

"What the f#ck just happened..." Owen was still in shock.

"And THAT'S how you do it. Now, I'm like 100% sure it's a demon so let's like get out of here." 

Owen nodded, and they quickly grabbed their supplies. They then ran downstairs and to the front door, and then sprinted out to their truck. 

Emily circled their final answer in her journal, and took a deep breath. "You ready to go now and suffer from PTSD?" 

"Yeah..." Owen nodded as the tailgate closed and they started to drive away.

"If we get this wrong, you do know we won't get paid and we'll just suffer?" Owen questioned.

"Nah, we got it right." Emily reassured him.

IT WAS DEMON YAYYYYY they got paid 150 bucks. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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