Chapter One: In the Beginning

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To any whom find this place. Run. Nothing in here is worth it. Nothing in this hell. I am here only to help stop Willaims insanity and now a more personal reason. No one is coming for us or you.....but I will survive. You, you're as good as dead.

I saw the gun shots, as I stood frozen in the monitor room. William Brikin was dead. Annette was standing beside me. She was gripping the arm of my lab coat so tightly her nails were cutting threw the fabric. Before I could stop her she ran outside of the room and to her dead husband. I heard their running foot steps coming closer and hid inside a storage locker. Closing my eyes I waited, my heart pounding so hard it hurt. The painfulled animalistic roar had me gripping my hidden side arm. It was gift, for saving his life. I knew I had grown attached but it still shocks me that I can't help but wish he was here, just so I could have see him one more time.


Albert Wesker, a fucking pain in my ass. He was also the most nassisctic, aloof, jerk off I had ever met. Of course he was also one of the most senior researchers at Umbrella and me well I was a nobody. Like most employees here I am a child prodigy, unlike many I had said no when first approached. Infact I only agreed when my mother became extremely ill. They had come back promising to pay for her treatment on top of an impressive paycheck. I walk pass a few ladies standing around and drinking coffee.
"I wonder what colour his eyes are?" One said.
"Forget his eyes I wonder how big he is?" The other giggled. I wondered how they found the time to gossip about him. Though most of the women here and some men would do anything for some time alone with the mysterious Dr. Wesker. Unfortunately he was a genius when it came to his job, there was no denying that. However unless you were William Birkin, he threw it in your face on daily bases. It made me want to carve out his eyes with a spoon. In my hand was the newly edited version of his presentation to the board. It was due tomorrow. This was my third revision and damn it all this was my last, I had my own shit to do. Wesker however hated doing small detail work. Too busy looking at the bigger picture and final result. Hence he always shoved those things onto his subordinates. To make it all the worse he demanded perfection to the point of breaking most people. I however was too stubborn, I had worked too hard to let this rich, entitled asshole get the better of me but it left me little time for my own work. I felt as if I was stuck in a never ending limbo of doing only his job. I knock on his office door, and wait. The lights are on but I hear nothing, so I knock louder. Checking my watch I sigh, I was off in 20 minutes and tonight I was meeting my soon to be ex- boyfriend so he could get his things out of my place.
"Dr. Wesker! I have your paperwork." I call. I hear a soft feminine maon that made me clench my jaw and shove open the door. Some young pretty red head low level researcher was sitting astride his lap. She was half naked, her lipstick was all over his mouth. I was pulling double shifts, barely sleeping or eating and this fucker was well fucking on company time! While I was forced to do his God damned job! "Here." I spit throwing his paper on the floor. I then turn on my heel to leave,
"Get back here." Wesker snaps.
"Oh?" I ask, "do you have more work for me to do while you enjoy your office slut Dr.Wesker?" He stood the women falling to the floor and raced forward grabbing my arm.
"It seems you have forgotten your place here." He began. "Unless you're jealous Dr.Crow." I narrow my eyes and slap him clean across his face, his head snapping to the side.
"Go to hell and don't ever touch me again." I reply. I give him the middle finger and walk away. I was so angry that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Of course it caused me to literally walk into the one person who did terrify me. Sergei Vladimir.
"I am sorry Commander." I reply my chest constricting, "I should have been paying better attention." I swollowed hard, the rumours of what this man could do were playing in my head. To my surprise he chuckled ligthly waving his hand as if entertained.
"We all make mistakes, da. Especially those that are busy." He said smiling. "Tell me, what has you so bothered that you fail to see a man of my size?"
"Dr.Wesker." I reply honestly. I turn my head away uncomfortable with the way his good eye is studying me. To my dreaded surprise he grabs my chin and tilts my head back up to face him.
"What has he done Pchelka?" He asked.
I wanted to ask what the hell Pchelka meant but I didn't have the courage. Infact my voice seemed stuck in my throat.
"Dr.Crow!" Wesker yelled. Sergei eyes kept me spell bound as he looked from me to Dr.Wesker.
"Comrade, it seems you are causing problems again for little Pchelka here." Sergei said still holing my face. I was taken back how did he know me and Wesker were at odds. I was very good at controlling my anger and rarely said anything to anyone about my dislike of him. I certainly never told people that Wesker was the reason for my never ending work load. Besides I was just another face amoung the great minds that worked here. Why was he watching me?
"A misunderstanding." Wesker replied. "Nothing more."
"What do you say Pchelka?" Sergei asked. "Is it all a misunderstanding?" I turned to look at Wesker and relished for a moment the power I hold. My heart almost bursts out of chest when the Commander bends down and whispers in my ear. "Do not lie my busy Pchelka."
"No." I say my voice surprisingly firm. I watch as his hands clench into fists at his sides. "I caught him fooling around with the new lab assistant. While I did his damned job."
"Good girl." The Commander replied. "Go now, myself and Dr.Wesker need to have a small talk."

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