Chapter 15: Wonderful lie

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       Wesker walked back to the cabin in the warm rain. Lighting and thunder crackling across the sky. They had found it, the secret compartment in the fire place. It was a formula used by Umbrella to control B.O.W's only this type hadn't been used since the 70's. He and Crow had spent the better part of the day removing the evidence and handing it off at a secret drop off point. One of Sergei henchmen stayed to speak to him, sending Crow away. It was then made clear if anything too sensitive was seen by her, she was to be terminated. Wesker saw smoke coming from the chimney, followed by the smell of a well made meal. Crow must have seen him coming, as she opened the door a towel in hand.
       "Darling you'll catch a death of cold." She said. Her smile then faded as she looked past him. Wesker turned and saw a small gaunt and filithy child was just standing there. Blood soaked her side, as she wavered on her feet. Crow ran past him, and to the girl catching her before she fell into the mud. Her little bruised face told a horrible story, as did her cracked and dried out lips.
       "Your okay." Crow said holding her close. "Your safe." She was wrapping the towel around the child when she whispered weakly,
      "Please run." Her little hand grabbing Crows shirt tightly, "Runaway. They like you. Mother is hungry." She then closed her eyes.
        "Oh no sweetie keep them open, there that's a good girl." Crow said as she put pressure on the girls side. Wesker then ran to the cabin and radioed for assistance.

      I stood in the bathroom soaked to my skin, in blood and rain water. The ambulance had left, the little girl was critical. I could hear the drone of Weskers voice as he spoke on the phone. Tonight there was only a small chance something else would happen, as the RPD had to perform a search of the woods. It more then likely would drive the cultists back for the night. Steam was bellowing out of the shower as it ran in the background. I laugh at myself, how was I not numb already. All the shit I had seen and done in my life and still I could cry for that little girl. I shiver as I peel off my clothes, and place them in the sink for now. I step inside and just stand under the hot water when I hear the door open, and the fimilar steps that are drawing closer.
       "Her name is Joyce Jones." Wesker voice calls.

       "How long had she been missing? I ask.
       "4 years." Wesker answered. "Her mother took her on a camping trip after her parents divorced with her new boyfriend. RPD is trying to contact the Father now, their locals."

       "Thank you for telling me." I reply.

        "Crow." Wesker says.

        "Mmm." I answer.

         "You did well." He answered. I open the door almost unable to believe the praise given to me only to see a soaking wet Wesker stripping. Shamlessly I watch him remove his shirt, his hair knocked loose of it's normal perfect placement. I bit my lip, my eyes taking in the forbidden and breath taking sight of a messy, sunglass free Albert Wesker. His past words are ringing in my ears, as my hunger for him grows. I want to reach out and touch his slick body,  I want to feel him heavy in my hands again, his face lost to pleasure. I slide back inside the shower, my hands running over my breasts roughly. I can feel a warmth rising up inside me. Unable to control myself one hand runs down over my stomach. I imagine it is him, and feel my body jerk. When did this happen, I think? When did Albert Wesker become so desirable to me? We had never done more then touch, and neither one of us believed in romance. Yet he was like a drug and the more I experienced the more I wanted.


      Wesker frowned as he looked in the fogging mirror. He tired to push back his hair but it quickly turned back into a mop as there was no product to keep it in place.
Fustrated he grabbed a towel when he heard a low moan. Wesker smirked, and turned toward the shower.

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