Chapter Ten: Lost and Found

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I walk into work with coffee for everyone, and I am unconditionally loved by all.
"Here I'll bring the Captian his." Redfield replied. "He is a little off." I sit down and take a swig when Jill leans over.
"Apparently, Wesker lost his wallet and keys." She said, "Enrico had to let him in this morning."
"Great." I answer. "He'll be a real treat today." I, of course, was well aware, as he had used my phone to arrange all the details. Wesker asked me to keep what happened a private matter. Honestly, I would have, regardless. Spreading gossip wasn't something I did.

"Apparently, he hit his head." Frost whispered. "Not hard enough do any good mind you." I laugh into my cup and shake my head, Wesker looked a lot worse the other day.

"Where is Enrico?" I ask, looking at the single untouched coffee.

"He has been working on a case with RPD. They are having a hell of a time with it." Burton answer. Chris quickly came out of Wesker office in one piece and sank down into his chair. He then grabbed his stress ball and took a deep breath. Just then, Enrico suddenly entered the room, the door slamming behind him as he went into Wesker office, the newspaper in hand.

"The hell." Redfield said, throwing a stress ball in the air.

"Somethings up." Valentine replied.

"Kids." Barry sighed, "Learn to read the paper." Burton said, sliding it forward. I grab it the others crowding around me.

Cult in Raccoon City?

Two more bodies were found this morning, in the Willowbrook lodge camp grounds of Raccoon Forest. 23 year old Tammy White and her husband 30 year old Shawn White were found brutally murdered in their cabin with their six year old daughter Jenny, missing. The cleaning lady who stumbled on the mutilated bodies is currently being questioned. The police have remained silent as to the means of death and so far have refused to comment. For rest, see page three.

"Oh my God." Jill said.
"Sick fucks." Chris growled.
"How many have there been?" I ask.
"Six that we know of," Wesker said. "So far. Enrico here has been watching over the case, but with the recent developments it has been handed over to us."

"So is it true? This it is all some voodoo cult bullshit?" Frost asked smirking. Enrico gave Frost a look that meant one thing, shut the ever living fuck up or I will end you.
"Currently both Captian Wesker and myself agree are priority is looking for the child. So both teams are being deployed for search and resuce." Enrico answered. "So gear up and move out."

I narrow my eyes as I reach for my sunglass. The bloodly sun, was out with a vengeance this afternoon. My neck and hair line where wet with sweat, even Weskers hair looked like it was ready to give in the heat. We had been searching for any hint of the little girl for around four hours.
"Got something!" Burton called over the radio. I took off Wesker beside me as we raced toward Barry's location.

"What do you have Burton?" Wesker asked. Burton stepped aside to reveal the little girls stuffed elephant. It was beaten up, with a smear of blood across it. "Vickers call in the dogs!"
"Yes, sir!" Brad yelled back.
"How far are we from her parents' cabin?" I ask.
"50, 100 yards, maybe. Why?" Redfield answered.
"Was she wearing shoes?" I asked over the com.
"Negitive." Enrico answered. I stand beside the stuffed animal and slowly look around.
"What are you doing, Crow?" Wesker asked.
"Trying to see what would draw a scared little girls attention." I answer. I sense Valentine standing beside me before she promptly pointed up ahead.
"Look there?" She asked. I could see what looked like an old mess hall, over run by nature.
"The old scout camp." Wesker answered.
"E.T.A on the dogs 20 minutes." Vickers yelled. "Irons is also demanding an update!"
"Radio Bravo to met here with the K-9 units and proceeded with them." Wesker called back. "Alpha team, with me. Vickers tell Irons to learn some patiences."

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