Chapter Fourteen: Closer

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I lay on the wooden lounge chair by the pool, as the barbecue was now in full swing. I was in a white bikini, with a long golden and white wrap. I was trying to forget how good Wesker's body felt agaiant mine. The sound of his panting, the sight of him building up.
      "Be honest you hate this right." Jill asked pointing to her hair. "Please say you hate it."
       "Fuck yes, you looked washed out." I confirm coming back to the present. "Why did Chris say something?" I pull down my glasses and wink at her. She gives me a smile.
    "No but I keep getting looks from the guys." Jill sighed annoyed.

      "Hey at least we don't have to wear those ugly shirts." I giggle, "even Wesker looks like a frat boy."
       "Maybe the house mom." Jill whispered back. I almost choke on my drink, which makes her laugh even harder. I look at Jill and smile, it seemed only around her I laughed liked this. Wesker grabs everyone attention shortly after, and give some big welcome speech while trying to smile. Fuck it looks so unnatural. Finally he asks they do a small trust exercise to it kick it off.  Jill and myself were only to happy to watch the men of S.T.A.R.S do the catch me, I am falling thing. While we relaxed in the shade and drank wine. I go to set down my glass when I see someone watching us from the forest.
        "Ian darling!" I call waving. "Come you must see this rare bird." Wesker began to walk toward me, smiling that God awful smile still. I stood binoculars in hand, of course bird was just a code word.  Wesker knew damn well what I was actually saying. I hugged him kissing his cheek, before whispering. "Tree line, to the left of the dead tree." Wesker wraps his arm around my waist, as I rest my head on his shoulder. He takes the binoculars and scans the area.
       "I see them." He whispered back. He then loudly proclaimed it was beautiful and he couldn't believe he was seeing one up close.
      "Mr.White may I." Chris said.
      "Of course. Wesker said enthusiasticly.
     "Hush darling, no so loud. You'll scare it away." I scold. I nuzzle my face into his neck, my nose filling with the smell of his cologne. It was a deeply arousing smell, warm and woodsey. 
      "I see another. I think their building a nest." Chris said. "Amanda come look." Jill skipped over, taking them in head and looking. Chris wrapping his arms around her, nuzzles his face into her neck.
      "No kids. Must be the scouts Maddox told us about." Jill whispered. "Their so cute! I can't wait for the little bitty babies!"
      "Can you get a shot Redfield?" Wesker asked.
      "Negitive." Redfield said. "Not within range." 
      "Alright, we know their interested keep an eye out but do not engage." Wesker ordered "Neither of you go any where alone." He then kissed my lips gently before declaring he had to go back.

        Night was finally approaching so Wesker had retired back to his Cabin with Crow for dinner. He was exshausted, the heat, and flase cheerfulness having taken its toll. She went to the small bar fridge and then to the counter.
          "Here." Crow said not long after, as she held out her hand. In it was cold drink, "don't worry it is not strong."
         "Thank you." Wesker replied. He took a sip and felt instant relief from the heat. "What is it?"
         "Kentucky maid." She answered, "it was one of my fathers' favorites on a hot summer day. Ceviche or steak?"
          "Ceviche." Wesker answered sitting down. The thought of a heavy steak, was not appealing when it was so hot, especially after the lunch they just had. Wesker sat back and cross his legs, watching as she pulled back her hair before washing her hands. Crow was still in her bikini, wrap loose around her hips. It was actually very tasteful, and brought attention to her natural hourglass figure. It was easy to forget her and Valentine had such bodies underneath their uniforms. He took another sip and removed his glasses.
His balls were still purple from early today, and they were steadily getting worse.
    "God that shirt is ugily." She laughed drly grabbing a medium sized knife.
       "I quiet agree." Wesker replied. "I am having fantasies of burning it as we speak."
       "Don't tempt me." She warned. "How spicy?"
      "Mild." Wesker replied his eyes lingering on her breasts. He stood putting his drink down on the kitchen table. His skin felt too tight,
          "Could you chop some firewood?" She said her tone carefree. "Unfortunately Enrico informed me the nights get cold."
         "I can." He sighed disappointed and yet relieved. He was on an active mission, why was he getting distracted? Wesker grabbed his sunglasses and left the cabin when he head the thud of an axe slice threw wood.  Redfield it seemed was already working away,
        "Paul." Wesker called. The wind blew the opposite way, and Wesker stomach turned. The smell coming from Chris Cabin was horrible. "Is that?" Chris laughed, shaking his head,
        "Oh ya. She could burn water apparently but she is stubborn and keeps trying." Chris replied.
       "Come by with Amanda, Eve makes more then enough." Wesker replied actually feeling sorry for Chris. No one should eat anything that smelled like that. Chris slammed down the axe again, cleaving the wood in two.
      "I will mention the offer." Chris said rubbing the back of his neck. "But at this point it may make it worse." 
      "I see." Wesker replied. "May I?"
     "Huh, oh ya. Just take what I have already cut." He answered.
      "If you insist." Wesker answered picking  up several pieces. "Make sure to stow the axe away properly this evening. I would hate to loose the security deposit."  He paused when there was a loud snap of a branch.
      "What was that?" Chris said dramatically worried.

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