Chapter Eight: Dark Memories

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Note sorry for the delay I will post an additional Chapter as an apology.

     I sat at my desk, talking with Jill about lunch when Chris cleared his throat. We face him, as I lean back in my chair. I was hesitant, very hesitant when it came to Redfield, for all his looks and talent, his common sense was lacking.
         "So ya I am going to pay." He said clearing his throat. "For you today Crow. So umm get what ever you want. " I pause and fully look at him, was he apologizing? Jill give me a look, that clearly says be nice.
       "Thanks, Redfield." I answer. Chris nodded and nervously ran his hand threw his hair as his entire body deflated. He was cute  despite being the type that thought with his heart. It was no wonder Jill had it for him and  why Wesker had a soft spot for him. "Consider it forgotten."
        "Suit up!" Wesker yelled marching out of his office. "We have a situation on the outskirts of the Arklay Mountains!" I stood and grabbed my tactical gear, popping a piece of pink bubble gum in my mouth. I met Weskers lens covered eyes on the way out and blow a large bubble, making sure it pops loudly. He scowls and I laugh,
      "What you don't like bubble gum Captian?" I tease.

    Wesker was waiting for Chris to report his observations but he seemed to be taking his dear sweet fucking time.      
        "Should we send a retrieval?" Burton asked.
       "Negative. Give him five more minutes." Wesker said. Crow shifted beside him in  discomfort her gear, on loan from another officer did not fit properly. At least she was silent, except for that damn gum! Wesker watched as finally Chris waltzed out of the bush, as if he had not just made them wait for 20 minutes.  "Report Redfield." Wesker listened carefully a plan already forming in his head. Using his index finger he quickly outlined what he wanted into the dirt. They broke, standard pair moving together as he erased his work with a simple swil of his hand. They moved an one, silently listening as Wesker gave hand signals. Finally Wesker held up a fist and everyone held their positions. Crow didn't flinch even when the prep got a little rough with one of the hostages. Instead she stayed alert and calm, even signaling she noticed something Chris missed. He saw then how cold and disconnect her eyes had become. They reminded him of a knife blade, waiting to be used properly. Wesker would cursed everything that ever existed when he made the call to move. He knew as he witnessed her poweress in battle, that it was not just rumour she had infact been trained by the grim reaper himself. She was ruthless and efficient, a perfect killing machine unleashed. She didn't hesitate even as the perp used the victim as a shield. Her gun just aimed low blowing his knees out, before she pulled the victim to safety. Crown passed her back to Jill before contuining foward with out pause. Crow never left his side and easily kept up with him until the end. No one, expect Redfield had ever done before.
     I could hear the scurrying of the B.O.W's let loose and the hollow moans of the reamminatted. I slide my body between medical equipment, my wounds badly infected. I had no idea what was happening, but I could hear gunfire. This began a week ago, I think, my fevered mind made telling time difficult. I was having difficulty breathing as more gun fire erupted around me. Several times I had seen a young man, with sad eyes running about and some girl with a ponytail, that oddly looked fimilar. I was not sure whose side they were on so I avoided them at all costs. I sink my hand into my soiled lab coat pocket and grip my sample of the original T-Veronica Vrius. Alfred tired to steal my life, and my sanity so I would steal his precious Tyana work. I took a deep shakey breath as I gathered what little strength I had left inside me. I wasn't going to die here, not after everything I had been through. I grab my now boney wrist, the pocket of blood and flesh there containing an altered dose of the virus that I had modified tirelessly. Honestly children were the same, genius or not, they always knew 'everything'. Sad really, a child had been given a mind like hers. Alexis lacked any form of wisdom. I promise myself if it came to it, I would break the vial and allow it to consume me. I could taste blood in my mouth when a very fimilar voice drifted into the air. The equipment around me activated, and the lock sealing away the bio tube released. I watched it all, Alfred wretched, pathetic life end and Alexia be reborn.

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