Chapter Three: A Kiss

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On Monday I managed to make it to work early so I could set up my station. In my hand was a doctors note confirming indeed I had broken three different bones in my foot. Entering the lab on my crutches I see Wesker is already here. He raises his eyebrow and looks me over.

"I broke three metatarsal bones." I reply handing over my medical note. He takes the paper and without a glance shoves it into his pocket.

"Do not expect a lighter work load." He replied.

"Please, I broke my foot not my head." I snort.

"What is all this Pchelka?" Sergei called from the doorway.
"Commander? It is just a few broken bones, nothing to worry about." I reply. He grabs a chair and places it behind me signaling for me to sit. I do so placing my crutches aside, my chest tight in anxiety

"Nonsense, health is important. Without it you have nothing." He said. "Comrade Wesker, see to it our rising star is taken care of, da."

"I have a deadline Sergei. I refuse to babysit-." Wesker began. The Commander grabbed Wesker by his lab coat and yanked him inches from his face.

"You must pardon me, my hearing is not so good it seems." Sergei replied. I swollowed hard, panic rising in me, I couldn't bare some getting hurt on my account. Even if it was Wesker, after all he had helped me.

"It won't be an issue." I assure Sergei. I tentively place a hand on his arm looking to him bravely. "Dr.Wesker offered me help before you arrived. He is just having a bad morning."

"I hate to agree with her but that is correct." Wesker confirmed. Sergei dropped him and turned toward me,

"Becareful Pchelka with whom you protect. Not all men have a sense of honour or duty." He said. "I will send someone to check up on you, da."

"Yes, thank you." I answer nodding. Please, I think, just go away. Thankfully he dose leaving me alone once more with Wesker. I promptly stand and begin my preparations for the dissection of the infected arm.

"Regardless of what was just said, I am not watching over you." Wesker said washing his hands.

"Please, dispite what you think I am not an idiot." I reply grabbing a sterile surgical tray. "But we are even for the the other night."

"Agreed." Wesker replied.

Wesker was sitting across from William a cup of horrible, strong and yet some how watery coffee in his hand.

"How is that women you are seeing?" Wesker asks. William pauses then laughs,

"What do you want Albert? You never ask about such mundane things." Wesker looks away for a moment, William knew him better then anyone. There was no point in small talk.

"Do you know of a scientist named Dr.Lenore Crow." Wesker answered.

"So the rumours around the water cooler are true." William replies. "Yes I have, not bad for a pawn. Some potential, perhaps."

"When did you begin to listen to rumours?" Wesker asked surprised.

"I believe it was you who told me, secrets mean power. I am just making sure I have a leg up." William said casually. Wesker regards him carefully Brikin had changed drastically sense they first met.

"She is vexing me greatly." Wesker replied.

"Are you sleeping with her yet?" He asked. Wesker glared at Birkin as he smugly takes a sip of his coffee.

"No and have no plans to." He answered.

"Do you know yourself at all Albert, your just making it worse." Williams hummed.
Wesker heared approaching heeled foots step and looks over.

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