Chapter Two: Secret Obession

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I couldn't remember the last time I slept, as I looked into my microscope. Annette had disappeared, apparently she had gone to track William...well what was left of him. I made several notes before switching out the slides. It was then a phone rang, I begin to search panicked the noise will give away my position to any of the monstrosity walking around this facility, especially those infernal lickers. Finally I find it, a cellphone phone amoung Annette belongings.

"Annette?" A man's voice called. My world stood still that was Weskers voice, but he died how was this possible?

"Albert?" I answer in disbelief. A horrible moan from a shuffling zombie causes me to hang up and draw my gun again.

Wesker stood holding his phone so tightly his knuckles were white. The sound of plastic cracking pulling him back to the now. He looked at the ruined crumble of his phone,
"Lenore." Wesker said into the cold air.


Wesker's fist connected with the metal lockers as he seethed.

"Bastard." Wesker spat. Sergei had to have firgure it out by now. Why else would he touch her face like that, or make her say she was his good girl. It wasn't like he wanted another complication in his life but every time she opened that mouth of hers to spit more fire and venom at him his desire for her increased. Unlike everyone else she was fearless when it came to him. Unlike everyone else she didn't give him a second glace, always ignoring him when ever possible. Infact she hated him, he was nobody to her and it made him want her more. Wesker removed his lab coat and kicked off his shoes. The truth was his team was now ahead of schedule because of Dr.Crow's work. She wasn't having any problems adjusting, hell she was brillant. He had wrote that report hoping she would be sent back to her original station and away from distracting him. Then there was today and giving him credit for his work. Why could she not be a cold hearted bitch and make this easier on him! Laughter cut off his train of thought, as one row over lockers opened.

"Did you hear what Wesker did to Crow?" A guy from his team laughed. "What a fucking dick. He must really hate her."

"I am surprised the Commander let her off so easily." His friend answered. "You hear what he did to Aaron."

"Who hasn't. Beside officially Aaron was in a car accident." The guy replied. "You think she will be resign? Or suck dick to stay."

"Probably resign. Too bad to it is nice having some eye candy around for a change." His friend answered. "I even drop shit on purpose just to see her bend over." Wesker can hear the doors to their lockers creak and the rustling of clothes as they strip for their showers. Tried of their dribble he grabs his towel and heads for an empty stall. The warm water feels good as he stands under it, the suds of the decontamination soap still covering the floor. Weskers eyes were closed as he tried to enjoy this moment of quiet. Yet he couldn't push aside this need growing inside of him to have her. Wesker had always been extremely stubborn and that combine with his tendency toward obsession, meant only one thing. This desire inside him would never stop until it was satisfied.

I must have fallen asleep at my station because I awoke to Wesker voice.

"Crow?" He called. The hardness to his voice was gone the coldness at a minimum. "Were you here all night?" I rub my eyes and ignore the question, I was too afriad of what I might say.

"Subject 763 and 983 are currently on route and due in a an hour. Unfortunately they gave Dr.Birkin subject 651, I even tried to bribe the gaurd but they would not budge." I sigh standing up. I know he is watching me and so I walk behind one of the tanks. "The tanks have already been calibrated and I fixed the issue with-" I stop when he grabs my arm,

"Go home Crow your exhausted." He said flatly. I brust out laughing before pushing him away from me hard.

"That is impossible!" I bark. "You see my supervisor wrote a report that I was holding him back. That I am incompetent and unable to keep up with my work load. So in order to keep my job and the benefits that come with them I have to be the Commanders good girl! I have to work every hour of every day until I am caught up!" He doesn't answer his mouth in a tight thin line. "So that means Dr. Wesker that this lab is my home for a whole week!" I finish before washing my hands. Drying them I look him right in his lens covered eyes. "Success is the best revenge Dr. Wesker." I answer grinning, "and I look forward to looking down apon you from the top."

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