New coach

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Graces Pov

I tied my skates into a triple knot on the ice cold bench of the local park in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I stand up with my hockey stick in hand and skate out onto the hard ice where all of my crazy friends were shooting pucks at our shit goalie Goldberg.

"Hey watch it! It almost hit me that time!" Goldberg shouted at us. All of us just giggled at his stupidity.
"Goldberg your the goalie, it's supposed to hit you!" Exclaimed my best friend Charlie.

Charlie and I have been best friends ever since we were two. It all started in daycare when we were buddies for the walk to the playground. Ever since then, we've been inseparable. His mom and mine also became best friends because they worked at the same diner together, that was until she died last year do to a drunk driver.

You see my dad left after I was born so it was just my mom and me, until last year where I had to live with my aunt on the richer side of town. Trust me I love my aunt and she's like my mother now, but I didn't even know her until last year!

Anyways besides that, my life has been going pretty good other then my horrible neighbor,

Adam Banks

Oh I hate that guy, his ego is so large it's about to explode. But I guess he's better than his idiotic friends, David McGill, and Micheal Larson. They're always at banks house and they're up all night driving me crazy with their loud music and muffled laughs, Ugh!!

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a nice black limo just drives onto the ice no problem, what was this guy trying to do!? Drown us?!?

We step to take a closer look when a man in a long dress coat and sunglasses steps out the car. Before anyone can speak the drama queen of the team Jesse, starts talking. "Yo dude, you obviously in the wrong hood, This is my domaine, a drug free zone you understand?!" I roll my eyes at the comment.

"You know I'm feeling generous today, so imma let you get your sorry vanilla booty outa here before we be using your eyeballs at hockey puck!! Jesse stated while all the guys just snicker in the background. "Thanks bro, but I'm not going home till I take care of business." The man says reaching for something in his inner pocket.

Everyone starts backing up thinking about what's gonna happen. Me and my other best friend Connie look at each other frightened.

Me and Connie are besties mainly because she's the only girl on the team and has been since the 4th grade. She's a little much but I still love her.

The man pulls out a peace of paper and I let out they breath I didn't know I was holding, much like everyone else. "District five peewee hockey team, I'm Gordon Bombay I'm the new coach" he says Cooley and everyone bursts into laughing, well except me and Connie, boys will really laugh at anything.

"Yea right!" Jesse replied. "Afraid so dude, got the roster right here, Averman, Dave, Conway, Charlie, Peters,Graclynn , Jesse, Hall, Terry, Hall."

Everyone looked shocked which I don't know why, it's a roster. Then Gordon started speaking again. "Here the long and short of it, I hate hockey and don't like kids." "Is that supposed to be a pep talk?" Piped Peter, I slapped him in the head to shut him up.

After a little more smack talk from him he told us to show what we got, yea well it's not that much. All of the sudden mid game Connie drags me over to our so called "coach". Averman was getting in my way so I have to push him down to get through. "Ahh really Grace?!?" "Sorry red head!" I shouted back. He rolled his eyes.

"Hey coach I'm Connie Moreau and this is Grace Peters." "Hi" I said, not really wanting to talk. "Uhh hey so uhh what's your score?" He asked. "Oh 0 to 9. But we almost won one game thanks to Gracie here, she scored us 3 goals!" Connie says hyping me up.

"Oh that's nice, we'll I'll be in here, don't bother me." He states bluntly. Ouch. Me and Connie look at each other with a smirk on our faces. The team comes up to us thinking the same idea. "3,2,1..Go" someone yells and we all jump on the limo screaming, "WE WANT A RIDE!!"

Eventually Gordon gave in and we hopped in admiring the nice carpet and shiny seats. Than a horrid smell fills the air. "GOLDBERG!!" We all shout. "Sorry!" He says shrugging his shoulders. "Young man what did you eat!" The coach asks pinching his nose. "OMG some one open a window!" I shout.

Just as the smell was going away Charlie says something, "Oh crap it's my mom!" "Oh boy"  I say knowing she's gonna take me too. Mrs. Conway got all of us out and went to go scream at the coach. We couldn't tell what she was saying but she was mad for sure.

"Sorry my mom ruined the fun guys." Charlie says. He got a bunch of, "it's okay pal" or "don't worry man." Mrs. Conway ushered Charlie and I into her car and drove to the diner. Once we reached there me and Charlie went to our usual stools to do our homework.

"Hey sweetie do you need me to drive you home?" Asked Mrs. Conway. "Yea, as long as it's not a bother." I quickly state. "Oh you are not a bother Gracelynn, I'll drive you home so your aunt won't worry." "Okay thank you Mrs. Conway." She smiled in reply.

After her shift Mrs. Conway drove me home and I thanked her, said hi to my aunt, went upstairs to my room to change and take off my little bit of makeup, went in my connected bathroom to clean and face, brush my teeth, and my hair, then went to bed slowly drifting into a dreamless sleep.

1027 words

I'm so sorry guys that I haven't posted this story in a while, I was just caught up in my summer activities and lost track of time. I hope I can right more and this is a little bit of a lot chapter but I hope you enjoy.

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