I Hate Mr. Banks

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Graces Pov

It's no big surprise that the Hawks win again scoring 17-0. Guess which one loss? Catch my sarcasm?

When the game was over we all headed back to the locker rooms saying that the game was rigged and the stupid cake eater tricks. I was talking to Charlie while I was taking off my gear before putting my clothes back on( the clothes from last chapter.) when coach Bombay walks in shouting.

"SHUT UP, YOU GUYS STINK! I thought we came here to play hockey!!" Everyone went silent but of course Peter had to open his loud mouth and comment.

"Oh I knew we were forgetting something!" He said and everyone laughed.

"OH, so you think losing is funny?!?"

"Not at first, but once you get the hang of it." Averman replied.

"Well we're the ones getting our butts kicked. Jesse said. Everyone shouted and agreed with him.

"Yeah it's not like you coach us or anything, at least we tried!" Another said.

"You tried?!?, the only person who gave me effort was Grace! You didn't even listen to a word I said! I said keep you heads up, you put your heads down. I said hustle, you went slower! That was the sloppiest playing I've ever seen! Why the hell won't you just listen to me?!?"

"Why the hell should we?!?" Jesse asked.

"Whatever, your the ones who look like idiots out there." And with that, he walked away. I stayed silent throughout the whole speech because I didn't want any trouble in my back. I finished getting dressed and me and Charlie walked to Mrs. Conways car.

My aunt called me in the locker room and told me that she had a business deal to take care of and she wouldn't be home until 9:30. But she did tell me I played well, which I thanked her.

I hopped in the car with Charlie and we talked about coach is a pain in the ass. We made it to the diner where me and Charlie sat down and had some milkshakes.

"Hey Gracie?" He asked.


"Do you like Adam?"

"What?!? What makes you say that?" I choked.

"Well Connie told me everything when you went to warm up."

"Connie, can never be trusted." We both shared a laugh. "But seriously, you can tell me, we best friends okay?"

"Yeah, I know, the truth is I maybe sorta like Adam." I say really quickly. "HAH, I knew it!! You two would be so cute together." "Really?!?" I ask. "Really."

Adams Pov

I was in the car riding home with my mom and dad. My dad wouldn't stop talking about how that was the laziest play I've played. This usually happens when I don't score as much goals as I "should". "You know Adam, your such a disappointment!!" He screamed at me when he closed the front door as we walked into our house. It was around 9:50 and I was really tired to listen.

I looked down at the floor trying not to cry. "HEY BOY!! LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YA KID YOU UNDERSTAND!!" He pulled my chin up to face him. "Yes sir." I say as a tear falls down my cheek. He slapped me right across the cheek.


"DANIEL STOP!! HE JUST A BOY! OUR CHILD!!" My mom stepped in. "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE DIANE!?!?!" He pushed her to the ground. She had a big cut along her eyebrow.

"DAD STOP!!!" I yelled.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT, DON'T YOU YELL AT ME OK?!!" I starts taking his belt off. "NO DON'T PLEASE!!" I begged. He didn't listen. He hit me in the waist, arms, legs, I even had a black eye, everything hurt. My mom got hit too trying to stop my dad. He eventually stopped and walked out of the house leaving my mom and me in tears.

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