Hawks vs District Five

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Graces Pov

It has been a week since the dinner with the Banks and now it's Saturday, which means we have are game against the hawks. I've been dreading this day since the first day of the season, not because I have developed a small crush on Adam, but because I know we will get destroyed in the game.

Let's face it....My Team Sucks.

I got out of bed and headed downstairs, not bothering to check how much time I have ti prepare myself for this train wreck. "Morning girly!" Steph greeted once I entered the kitchen, she was making eggs with bacon this time.

"Morning Steph."

"Excited for the game today?"

"No, we're going lose terribly I know it!"

"Oh cmon!, it's not about winning, it's about having fun!"

"Yea we'll it's more fun when your winning!"

She rolled her eyes. "So you excited to see Adam today?" She grinned. "Oh my god Steph really?!?"

"Hey I was just asking!" She said raising both hands in the air. "Well you better get ready since you have to be at the rink in a hour in a half." She reminded.

I looked over at the clock on the kitchen wall and it read, 11:34. The game starts at 1:30 but we have to be there at 1:00 for warm-ups. "Alright imma go get ready." I stated putting my plate in the sink and jogging a up the stairs.

Since you don't wear your gear to the game I just throw on some comfortable clothes to the rink. (Outfit in pic above.) I brushed my hair and kept it natural because it's just gonna get sweaty anyway. I applied waterproof mascara cuz I don't wanna look like a complete mess.

I got on my shoes and grabbed my hockey bag and headed downstairs where my aunt was waiting for me. We walked to the car when I see Banks and his mom and dad getting into their car as well. We share eye contact before we look away and get into our cars.

I made it to the rink and hop out of the car. "I'm gonna find parking, I'll see you in there!" My aunt said. "Okay!" I closed the door to see Adam doing the same thing. We exchanged eye contact again before walking up to each other.

"Good luck." He said opening the door for me. "Thank you, you too but it's not like you need it, we all know your team is gonna win anyway." I say looking down. I felt two fingers under my chin and pull my face up to look at him.

"Hey don't say that, your just as good of a player as any of the Hawks, even better. All you need to do is play your best ok princess?" "Yea ok thanks, and don't call my princess, it makes me feel weak." I pout.

"Okay, princess." He wink, and I giggle. We exchanged a hug and walked to our different locker rooms. I reached mine and walked in. "Hey everyone, it's our Queen Of The Ice!!" Averman announced. I giggled as everyone cheered and walk over to me locker and started getting geared up.

"Hey what's going on with you and Banks?" Connie whispered in my ear. I feel my cheeks heat up at his name. "What? What are you talking about?" "Oh cmon, I saw you too in the hallway, and don't try and get out of this cuz we have a whole 30 minutes before the game." She sassed.

"Alright, alright so it happened on Monday when McGill was making fun of me and then Adam defended me. I thanked him and he said that McGill shouldn't say that to any girl, especially you. I smiled and I don't know what came over me but I hugged him. And he hugged back for some reason." I was interrupted by Connie squealing.

"Ok, ok theirs more, that same day we had dinner with the Banks and after dinner I took up to my room while the adults talk and he told me I was beautiful and then kissed my cheek. I haven't talked to him until a couple minutes ago." I sighed.

Connie was jumping with joy and all the boys just stared at her in confusion but then went back to what they were doing. After I was all geared up, I headed to our side of the rink to warm up. Me, Charlie, and everyone else were shooting pucks at Goldberg, who was just complaining the whole time.

Then I hear skates behind me so I turn around to see McGill and Larson heading towards us. "Hey ladies." McGill said to all of us which is really lame trash talk. Jesse looked like he was about to pounced on this dude, which he tried but Karp and terry held him down. And everyone else except for me and Connie looked like they were about to shit themselves.

They skated back to their side and soon the ref was called onto the rink and the game was going to start.
Coach Bombay called us back to the box and told us our positions. I hear the hawks shout their lame chant, "WIN, WIN, WIN..." so original right.

"Cmon guys let's do this, Win, Win, Win.." coach tried to hype us up but none of us were really feeling it. "Ok, we'll get into positions." He instructed. I skated out the center where I was face to face with the one and only........ Adam Banks.

I look up at him and he has a slight smile on his face, I return it, that's when I hear the puck drop. I look over to see McGill push over Jesse and skate toward our goal, Banks shortly behind. I try and keep up but he's just to fast. McGill passes to Banks, who passes it to Larson, who passes it back to Banks, making to first goal.

"HAHA THE OREO LINE!!" McGill shouts and his team laughs. I looked over to Jesse, Peter, and Karp, holding Jesse back from ripping their heads off. But we all know Jesse can't do anything, he's all bark and no bite.

I skate back into my position and look at McGill, he looks at me and winks, before looking back at Jesse. I rolled my eyes and hear the puck drop again.

This is going to be a long game...

1078 words

Hey guys here is another chapter, I'm sorry if I'm rushing the story a bit but I'm just really trying to get ideas for Adam bad Grace. Oh by the way, like the princess move I put in there huh?😏😏 They are so bae!!

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