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Graces Pov

   I was walking to "Hans Hockey Apparel" with Adam and Charlie. Since they're both my best friends, I feel like they need to know each other too.

"Tell her you love you eyes, her hair, the way she parts her hair, and her butt." Adam says smirking. "WHAT?!? I can't say that she'll think I'm psycho?!" Charlie yelled. A little too loudly cuz everyone was looking at now.

"Great Charlie, scream a little louder, I don't think the whole world heard you." I said sarcastically. Adam was trying to give Charlie advice about asking a girl out. Key word, trying.

"Adam, I can't just walk up to her and say, "hey Ashley, I like your butt, wanna go out?" Charlie said. "Why not?" Adam replied. "Cuz she'll hit him with her purse." I butted in. "Whatever, if I see a girl who has a nice butt, I'm gonna tell her, for example, hey Gracie, like your butt." He smirked at me.

"Oh whatever." I said trying to hide my blush, but failed miserably. "Aww see I made her blush." He said to  Charlie. "I know it's adorable." Charlie replied. "Ok both of you shut up!" I interrupted their little conversation.

They kept talking about the subject all the way to Hans, it was getting really annoying. We got to the back door and Adam opened the door for me. "Thank you kind sir." I did a little curtsy. He chuckled a little. "Not problem m'lady." He tipped his imaginary hat. "Ok enough love birds!" Charlie called out to us for the hallway.

"Hey Hans." We all said at the same time. "Hello, Charlie, Grace , and Adam, what brings you today?" "Just looking around." I state. "Ok, I'll be sharpening some skates in the back if you guys need anything."
"Ok thanks Hans." Charlie said.

I did some browsing around the store when we decided it was getting late and we needed to head home. Adam was still living with me while our guardians were working on filing a divorce for Mr and Mrs. Banks.

We said our goodbyes to Charlie and went on our way. We talked about a bunch of silly stuff and made jokes the whole walk back, it was amazing, for a kid who has so much hurt in his heart, never fails to put a smile on everyone's face.

We arrived at "our house" when I see a sign on the Banks house lawn. It was about 5:30 so it was a little darker but I could still read it. "For sale." I read. I look at Adam wide eyes, but he looked confused so I'm guessing he didn't see it. "What's wrong Gracie?" He asked. I couldn't speak, so I pointed across the street to their house. He looked over and back at me wide eyed. The. His face softened, like he was about to cry.

I watched as gloss flooded over his baby blue eyes, then a single tear dropped from his right eye. "Oh Adam." I wrapped my arms around and he started to break down. His childhood house was slipping away from him, I know what that feels like, and I never want Adam to feel that way too.

I felt his knees give in and we got fall to the ground. He's basically on top of me and we sit on the front steps, his head buried in my neck, feeling his hot tears down my neck, I rub his back.

He pulls away and I wipe his tears. "Look, I know what your going through, I had my home taking away from me too, but I have an idea to get your house back. Okay?" I explained and he just nodded.

We got up and I grabbed his hand as we go through the front door. I see my aunt and Mrs. Banks sitting at the kitchen table chatting with a cup of coffee. They both saw Adam tears and asked what was wrong. "Uh-uh mom, dad is saying our house." Adam said trying to not cry.

I give him a side hug and he leans his head on my shoulder.  "What?!?!" She shrieked. And looked outside the window, with my aunt following her. "That sick BASTARD! I told him not to sell it!!!" His mom started breaking down. "Adam sweetie why don't you and Gracie go up to her room ok?" We both nodded and went up to my room.

I close my door and Adam sat on my bed playing with his fingers. I look to see tears starting to stain his jeans. "Adam look at me." I say as I walk up to him. He doesn't move. I bent down so we are the same height on the bed and lift his chin up with my index finger.

He finally looks at me and I gave him a small smile. "Hey I have an idea, but you have to listen to me ok?" He nodded. "Look so when you sell a house, anyone can buy it right?" He nodded. (I have know idea if this is true I just made it up😭😭)

"So maybe, we can buy your house back." I said. "But we don't have enough money to buy our house back, knowing my dad he'll probably set the price so high me and my mom won't be able to buy it." "Well we can go on the house buying app and see what the price is?" "Yea ok."

We both walk over to my desk and open my laptop. I search the app and type in Adams address, we looked at the price and too be honest. I thought he would sell it for way more than this. The house was $425.000.

"See look, that's not bad." But my moms job only get us 3/4 of the house. Where will we get the other quarter?" He asked. I thought for a second and than an idea popped. "I got it! A fundraiser!" "What?" "A fundraiser, lots of people have fundraisers to get money for something important, an this is pretty important." I explained.

"Yea that's true but, I don't know if that will cover the whole house." He said. "Wait we can work at Hans together!" I said. "Are you sure? Is he even hiring?" "Well I don't think so, but Charlie has been working their since last summer sharpening skates, I'm sure he can fit too more." "Ok well we will ask him tomorrow!" He said. "Great!" I exclaimed.


Later that night we ordered pizza and told the adults about our idea, they seemed pretty on board with it and my aunt even offered to cover the rest if we don't got too far with the fundraiser. We came to the idea that we can run a car wash with a lemonade stand aswell. I could get the team to help to!

Me and Adam were in my room watching tv and joking around when someone knocked on our door. "Hey guys, Adam I'm going to bed, if you wanna come with me you can, or do you wanna stay in here?" Mrs. Banks asked. Adam looked over at me and I nodded slightly. "I'm ok mom, I'll stay here." He said. "Ok honey, let me know if you need anything, goodnight guys." "Goodnight." We both said.

"Hey Grace?"

"Yes Adam?"

Do you think that we'll get my house back?"

"I'm sure of it, and if the fundraiser doesn't go as planned, I will work really hard to get you the money I promise."

"Grace you don't have to do that for me, I swear."

"I know, but I want to, you were there for me when McGill was being a dick, like always. So now I'm here for you." I said looking over at him.

"Thank you Grace." He said with a smile.

"No problem Adam." I smile back.

I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and the other on his stomach. He slowly rubbed my back and my eyes were getting heavier. I was getting extreme deja vu from the night he was broken. I was about to fall asleep when I felt a kiss on my forehead and a soft whisper, "Goodnight Grace." I smiled and closed my eyes again.

"Goodnight precious."


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been super busy. But school is starting up again and I'm dreading it!!"

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