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How cold.

It's December already, and New Yorks's streets are very cold.

But now it's colder. Too cold. Freezing. I almost can't move.

It only takes a second though, cause a pair of hands rescue me from the semi-frozen lake.

- Y/N! – I can hear Davey's worried voice, and soon realize I'm in his lap. I only see his beautiful eyes watering and then pass out.


When I open my eyes again, I'm back at Newboys Lodging House, lying on my bed, a lot warmer. Davey is sitting on the bed, beside me, and sighs in relief when he sees me. Les is sitting on the bed by my feet. Jack, Albert and Crutchie are standing a bit further.

- See, she's not dead... Ouch! – Albert gets slapped across his nape by Jack.

Albert rubs his neck and frowns, then looks at me. – I didn't think ya'd be stupid enough ta do it, ouch! Cut it off!

Jack slaped him again.

That's what happened. Albert challenged me to "ice skate" on the frozen lake, and smarty me tried to. The ice broke on my first step, and I fell down the freezing water at once.

- Who's stupid idea was it, huh? – Jack says – And yeah ya was stupid for doing it, Y/N, why did'ya?

He's also frowning, but soon relaxes. – Are you okay?

- I am... I... I'm sorry Jack... Sorry for worrying you guys... atchoo!

- God bless ya – Crutchie says, still looking worried.

Jack squeezes his nose in between his eyes and sighs – Stay 'ere and rest, ya have to warm up...

Now that he said it... I'm underneath the blankets, but I don't feel the clothes wet as they should be. I peek under the sheets and see that I'm using Romeo's pants, Finch's undershirt and Jack's shirt.

- Where is my cloths? – I ask, feeling my face warm.

Davey and Crutchie widen their eyes, getting red all the way to their ears. Jack and Albert glance away, slightly blushing, and only Les, who's still a child, anwsers me.

- They're drying by the fireplace, did you want to keep'em soaking?

I'm quiet, processing what might have happened.

- A-hem – Jack cuts the akward silence out – Let's go, boys, we 'ave papes ta sell

- I-I'll saty with her... To make sure... – Davey doesn't face me as he talks.

- Kay, les'go Crutchie, Albert... Oh, Y/N, ya papes are gone... I'll see if I can get ya some nickels

The boys leave. Damn, I still had bout 10 papes to sell... There goes todays cents. I'm taken back to reality with Daveys warm touch, when he holds my hand.

- Yo-you're still cold... Les, go get Race's blanket, please

- Why me? You go, and I'll stay here

Les crosses his arms and frowns. Davey seems irritated, he twists his lips but gets up and goes to the other room.

- Atchoo! – Damn, I'm gonna get sick...

- God bless you – Les seems half troubled, half amused.

- Here – Davey comes back and puts another blanket over me.

- Tha-Thank you, Davey

The boy looks at me lovingly, but soon frowns, displeased: - What were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed, you know that?

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