Chapter Five: Tommy's Antique Shop

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Present Time

Courtney entered her red fiat parked directly in front of her old sorority sisterhood house. Olivia was right behind her fiddling with her gray jacket as she entered the car. Olivia was on the passenger seat, buckling her seatbelt in and moving her dark hair out of her face. Courtney placed her phone on the car mount and tapped in the address.

"Where is this place exactly?" Olivia asked as she pulled the car mirror down.

Courtney sighed as she shifted her car into reverse, feeling a gentle push back of force. The LA sun radiated down onto their car, making the small vehicle unbearably heated. Olivia quickly turned the car AC on as she continued to put on her makeup and rested her shoes on the dashboard.

"I don't know, Rhett sent me this address after I told him I haven't found any resources about this Ian dude?" Courtney shifted her focus on the freeway she was about to merge into. "This PH.D program was harder than I thought."

Olivia put her lipstick back into the cabinet of the car as it made a slight slam. "Well yeah? It's one of the highest degrees of honor you can achieve. Of course they're made to weed people out." She moved her feet away from the dashboard and adjusted her seat back.

Courtney blinked onto the right, cutting the person off behind her. She shifted her wheel back as her hands moved right back in the middle.

"Well I don't want to be those people weeded out," Courtney started to hunch forward for a better view of the road.

"You won't Court, you analyze random shit better than anyone I know can!" Olivia smiled at Courtney, feeling a bit reassured.

"Thanks girl, I really don't know what I will do without you."


"Ian who?" Tommy puzzled Courtney.

She was standing directly in front of Tommy, having the glass jewelry display separating the both of them. Olivia was standing right beside Courtney, bored of her misery mind.

"Rhett sent me to you because you might have some insight?" Courtney was in disbelief.

There was an awkward shift with Courtney's nudge of confrontation.

"Oh," Tommy snapped his fingers, "I think I know who you're talking about."

Tommy went back to the antique store. Olivia looked at Courtney, who was still standing awkwardly in front of the glass display.

"You sure Rhett wasn't on crack when he sent his address?" Olivia leaned against the glass display.

"Hey don't lean on my display," Tommy asserted and lifted his head a bit.

A slight apology left Olivia's lips as she pushed herself back up. Tommy slammed a bookbag in front of the girls, and opened the flap.

A leather binder slipped out with dirty brown pages flying away from the binder. Olivia kindly picked them back up and gave them to Tommy.

"My mother sent this to me because Rhett told her too. Apparently this specific symphony, and this specific part was made by his guy named Anthony Padilla. Oh and I can not forget," Tommy pulls out a canvas inside of the glass display. "This was painted by Andrew Hecox's son?"

Courtney agape an audible gasp as she pulled the rusting journal out of her purse which was stored into a ziploc bag, and placed it next to the bookbag on the glass counter.

"The sketches here," Courtney opened the bag "match with this style here!"

Courtney pointed at the sketch, comparing them with the canvas dispersed on the counter.

Tommy leaned into observation more, with every engrained detail, stroke, or messily written notes about the composer was similar. There was no difference between the both, it was Ian's paintings, sketches, or creativity.

The question comes into play, why was it suddenly erased from history? Buried deep inside with shame, why would Andrew be so disappointed in his own son's dedicated work.

Olivia's eyes widen to see how history, untold history, is unfolding right in front of her.

Her attention spurred out to see a familiar blonde hair folk who was jacked with his purple hair friend walking through the glass door. Holding a canvas with both of his hands.

"Hello Shayne!" Tommy waved to the men who walked into the store. Courtney quickly turned to see her roommates from her early days of being a freshman in college.

"Shayne? Damien? What are you guys doing here?" Courtney walked up to both of them. Giving each other hugs of hellos.

"Well Rhett sent us here to review this canvas he had sitting in his office for a while," Shayne explained as Damien placed the painting onto the glass.

"This makes no sense," Tommy exclaimed "How come absolutely no-one heard of this duoship. It seemed like Anthony and Ian were together a lot,"

"That's what we are here for Sir," Damien respectfully said.

"Yeah, but how come if there's so much of this no-one has reviewed it," Tommy kept observing both of the paintings.

"Maybe because it could have been a cover up," A voice suddenly appeared from the backs of Damien and Shayne.

"Okay Chanse don't fucking scare me like that again," Tommy sighed as Chanse walked behind the counter.

"Wait, I am confused. How is this a cover-up?" Oliva asked confusedly

Chanse walked behind Tommy as he leaned against the counter. Pointing at both of the paintings present in front of everyone.

"You see how this style slightly differs from this one?" Chanse pointed at the canvas Tommy placed on the counter. "This could signify a different time period,"

"I am assuming this painting was from the romantic period right?" Chanse asked and Courtney flipped to the first page of the leather book.

"So I was correct." Chanse sighed. "This said 1815."

Chanse picked up the canvas Damien gave and flipped it to the back side, "This was painted in 1891, closer to the modern age."

"Also this said it was a portrait of Gavin Padilla?" 

Curse of the Ninth - ian hecox & anthony padillaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon