Chapter Seven: The Bar

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The clock struck midnight once again.

The night air thickens cold as Ian stands on the ledge of the balcony. His feet on the rails, and takes a deep breath, all the way to his stomach. The wind pushes against his body as he fights for balance.

Ian leaps forward. Feeling the fall hitting all over his body, the rush of air interweaves with his body as he spreads his legs and arms open. His adrenaline peaked sky high. He squints his eye, trying to aim for the brown patch underneath his free falling body.

He falls into the haystack that he made previously to softly land on. He hugged on hay underneath him as hay and dry leaves stuck to him like glue. He swiftly sat up and patted his gold coat, feeling a rush of itchiness all over his body.

He raised himself up from the hay and ran to the barn house. Making sure he stays under silent as he didn't want the palace guards figuring out he was leaving again without permission.

There he was, his horse he knew, desired, and loved. Daisy.

Her coat was colored with a deep rich brown as spots of dark black splattered all over her body. Her mane was a beautiful beige brown which complimented her circular eyes. Which was a sea green blue which stood amongst her crowd.

His father gifted Daisy when he was sixteen, with the limited time he had outside. His father often took him horse riding around the hills surrounding the apartment. Long lost in the countryside of Wales, which ultimately found his hiding place. When it's late at night, with no one batting an eye on him. Ian would book it to the otherside of the hill, and lay amongst the grass. Gazing at the stars.

Each of its own telling a story, Ian made up in his head. The shapes of the stars, for example, the one shaped like a young woman, and Ian entitled her as the Virgo. The Virgo was a diligent and fierce fighter of their own, protecting the night sky from any dangers landing on the hills of the palace but also keeping the peace and innocent the land had to offer. Virgo, Ian named her, was the only friend he had.

Every night when his dad breathed too close to his neck or his mother overwhelming him, He would sneak out of his own bedroom into the wilderness outside of the palace reigns.

And every night he would ask Virgo what he should do next.

Somehow Ian believes Virgo communicated with him, because the stars moved into the pictures. Symbolism of the next step, the next event, or predicting what will be in his future.

And somehow Virgo was never wrong.

It was a strong connection between him and Virgo. Ian refused to let her go every time.

"Virgo, will I ever rain free from this torturous hell?" Sixteen year old Ian asked. Laying on the bright comfortable green grass. Holding on the leash of Daisy as she sat besides him.

The stars twinkle back and form a shape of a man. Then on, turned into a galaxy of a person. Sophisticated and wise Ian assumed. Then shimmered away back into the dark night.

Which is why Ian is riding on Daisy's back, circling around the hill, and into the heart of Wales. Having his hood covering the top half of his face. Dashing towards the light, and nearing its end to his Virgo. Who was on the other side of his wooden door, playing piano late at night. With a cup of tea on his nightstand, as he scribbles down each note played.

Ian would watch it all unfold, listening to his soothing melodies that turned into a soft blanket that his grandmother would hand sow, clinging onto his cold body. The tea Anthony served rushed with warmth all over his veins and his throat cleared.

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