Step Sisters 1

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Becky's Pov

She's hot.

I know I shouldn't think that for her, but she's hot.

Her sexy butt.... Big boobs.... She's so goddamn perfect. She's like walking sex goddess.

Ah... I wanna be fucked by her. How could someone be so fucking sexy?

"Yoo what's up?"

"The fuck!! You scared the shit Outta me, Freen!" Becky said with shock.

"Haha why? Ain't you still used to me being in the same house as yours?" Freen asked smiling. Something was weird about her since day one. I don't know what, but... It's like... As if it's pulling me towards her with a guilt burning in my heart.

"I'm used to you being here but not with the fact that there's suddenly someone whom I've to consider big sister... Ah!" Becky huffed and puffed with sigh.

"You don't have to consider me as your sister. We can still be friends..can't we? I'm just 3 years older than you. I mean... We're gonna stay together in this house together for a long time anyway so why not getting close?" Freen sat on the sofa same as Becky.

"Sounds good to me. Let's do introduction again. A nice and proper one this time?" Becky asked.

"Introduction? You mean, That introduction we did when we were 3-4 year in school?" Freen asked.

"Nah. I mean something advance." Becky said.

"What does advance mean? Do I have to tell how many guys I've slept with? Haha" Freen laughed.

"Not funny. Anyways never mind. I'll start. I'm Becky. I'm 21 as you're already aware. I'm kinda nerdy not because I love studies but because I don't have anything else which I'm good at. I lost my mother when I was 6 years old. It's not tough as much as the sympathy that I'm receiving because I don't even remember her face. But yeah, People do say we look alike. Of course, she have me birth. What logic! Anyways... I've dated quite less people... I mean I've only been in serious relationship so far which ended nastily. I am not really sure about my sexua.. Ah nothing. That's all!"

"What was the last thing? Sexua? What ?" Freen asked leaning forward.

"Nothing... It's like... I may be Bisexual... I'm not really sure but... Yeah"

"Yeah. That's fine. So, Now about me. I'm Freen. 24 years old. I've been abroad half of my life. But being back to our own nation feels heavenly. I've had one brother who passed away just after my father's death. I like listening to music and that's all."

"Is that it?" Becky asked.

"Yeah. That's all" Freen replied.


Freen leaned forward making Becky's heart to dance up and down.

"Can I..."

Gulp gulp gulp

"... Ask you something?"

Becky nodded with some hesitation.

"Have you ever had.... Sex buddy?" Freen asked.

"S-S-Sex buddy?" Becky asked with surprise.

"Yeah... Don't be that much shocked. I'm not asking if you dated an alien haha." Freen laughed at her own joke..

"That's not funny. And moreover... It's not your concern.." Becky said and got up and left the hall.


She closed her door and sighed in relief.

"What's this feeling?" She touched her chest and asked herself.

She decided to ignore it and take a shower.

After taking all things necessary, She got inside the bathroom, Started the water as the drops were falling down her face.

"Fuck..." She touched her own boobs...

'why are they erect?' She thought to herself...

Slowly and gradually her hand moved down...

'Her cleavage...'

"Mmm.... Mmmm..." She started breathing heavily as her hands were now touching the clit area.

"Mmmmmm.." she moaned lightly as she rested her legs in the sink and stood taking the wall's support. Legs wide open.

As she inserted her middle finger in, The electric pleasure flew her body.

"Fuck..... " she closed her eyes.

Another finger in... She started moving faster thinking about Freen's cleavage. Her fingers hitting the perfect inside the pussy.

"Ah... " water was running down her body just as pleasure was.

She slide another finger in as she was wet enough for the pleasure without pain.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck..." She shut her eyes violently as the water was making it hard to see through.

"Ahh.... Fuck me.... Fuck me... Please fuck me..." She said as her fingers were torturing her pussy without a break.

"I can't... I'm... Im... Ahh.... " she exhaled heavily as she saw her fingers covered with her own cum.

As she looked inside the mirror... She felt a strong embarrassment.. Did she just imagined her own step sister?

She took bath and left the bathroom as soon as she could.

After taking warm bath she was now hungry.

Becky opene her room and went to kitchen which was next to the hall which Freen was already sitting and eating some chips.

"THOSE ARE MINE!!" Becky yelled.

"Oh... These? Sorry... They looked tempting just like you so I ate."

"You can't eat them.. wait... What did you say?" Becky asked looking dumb.

"Haha... I'm kidding... It's just... You look pretty hot with your hair open after bath... And the way you're revealing your cleavage.." Freen winked.

Becky was standing like a stone. 'Is she looking at my cleavage just like I did?' She thought.

"Take!" Freen got up and handed the chips pack to Becky.

But before going out. She got near to Becky's ear and whispered... "Your moans were quite loud.."

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