Chapter 6: Meeting

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*After a few minutes, the entire Heeler Family is Gathered in the house, everyone seated, except José*

José: Welcome everyone, I introduce myself, I am José, a new member of the family

*Radley raises his hand*

José: and yes, I'm adopted...

*Radley lowers his hand*

Bandit: And Well, what you need to tell us, José?

José: Well...

*José looks at the countdown on his watch*

José: We have 6 days and 23 hours left, we have to do this fast...

Frisky: Wait, 6 days for what?

José: I'll be precise... Today at 9:39 in the morning, at Brandy's house, there was an interception on the antenna, and a person called Black Hood sent us a message...

*Chilli, upon hearing "Black Hood", changes her expression to a more worried one*

José: No one is safe in this family, first they killed mine, this could be the next...


José: We can avoid it, we have to attack...

Bandit: But how?

José: We can follow the AMD...

Stripe: The what?

José: A.M.D: "Ataca y en Mediocampo Defiende", It is a Spanish Soccer tactic that has been in force in my soccer team for years

Trixie: And how it works Like?

José: Easy. In the enemy Area we will attack with all our might, and if they are in our area, we will defend

Trixie: Seems easy!

José: I wish it was as easy as you said, but no... Black Hood is not a dog like all of us, he has powerful superpowers that no one can explain...

Trixie: Oh...

Radley: And what do we do now?

José: Let's just go home, everything will be fine... Okay?

Bandit: If you say so...

*They all disperse, and each one goes to his car*

[Meanwhile José and Brandy in the car]

Brandy: Hey Son...

*Jose doesn't answer*

Brandy: Hey, José... Pastor, Son!

José: Oh yeah... What?

Brandy: are you ok...?

José: I don't know how to answer you... Do you think I'm doing it right...?

Brandy: You've warned the whole family, I think that's good!

José: You sure? And if I have spread panic in the family? What if I caused a big problem by letting you adopt me?

Brandy: Don't Say that... Everything will be fine, Ok?

José: ... I trust you...

*Both arrive at the house, and José seems to be tired, so much that he falls asleep on the sofa*

Brandy: I hope I told the truth...

Continuation: Chapter 7: Endless

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