Chapter 8: With love, from Poland

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Narrator Jose:

"It's been hours since Frisky told the news about Radley's disappearance... Bandit is emotionally devastated, and we have decided that this news will not be distributed to the family"
"The situation has been changing my mental health, right now I have like post-traumatic stress, after the war, the black hood thing... And now Radley"
"Everything would take a turn, that 13 of December of 2023..."

*José is at his desk, glued to the computer, trying to figure out the whole thing... Until his Gmail inbox rings in the Windows bar of his computer*

José: Uh? What is that?

*José opens the mail, which is in the name of a certain "Pondrisky"

José: ... P- Pondrisky?!

*José opens Gmail, which appears to be a dedication to José from Pondrisky*

Pondrisky: "Gmail" Dear José:

Since the Ukrainian army requested you, the Andalusian soccer fields are empty without your spirit...
The team has gotten worse since your departure, we haven't even managed to draw
We have done everything possible for the Spanish ministry to change its mind and return you to your beloved land, but we have failed...
The team has fallen, and together with my parents we have made a decision... I will return to my homeland, Poland
I don't know where you are now, I don't know if you managed to escape, I don't know if you're still at the border...
I miss you, when we celebrated together each goal, each laugh, each victory... But it doesn't feel the same anymore...

Of your best friend.               -Pondrisky
With love, from Poland

*José was in disbelief, an old friend from his childhood sent him an email from Poland...*

*Some tears begin to fall to José, and he begins to cry silently, where only his heavy breathing could be heard*

[Meanwhile in the Living room]

*Chilli and Brandy's ears perk up, and they can hear José's heavy breathing from his room*

*The two sisters looked at each other, and without saying a word, they ran to José's room*

*Both forcefully open the door, and see José, with his head resting against the desk, while he cried silently*

Brandy: José! What happend?!

José: ... *In tears* Mom...

*José gives himself a push with the desk, pushing his chair towards Brandy, And giving her a big hug*

Brandy: Oh... *Hugs Back*

*They both hug each other tightly, while José is crying... Chilli notices the Gmail on José's computer, and decides to read it*

*Chilli is reading Gmail slowly, and for each paragraph she reads, her facial face changes to a more worried one*

Chilli: Hey Brandy... I think you will like to see this...

*Chilli unplugs the charger from the laptop, and hands it to Brandy*

*Brandy begins to read it, and begins to understand the situation*

Brandy: Oh my god... José?

José: *He was crying profusely, and he couldn't speak*

Chilli: Brandy... Are you thinking the same as me?

Brandy: I think so...

*There is an awkward silence in the room, until the two sisters speak up*

Chilli & Brandy: José, Is Pondrisky... Your best friend?

José: ... Yes...

*Both are perplexed by José's response, so much so that they could not keep their jaws from falling off*

Brandy: Oh my... ... How did you meet him?

José: *Wiping away tears* well...


*It was a sunny afternoon, and José was playing soccer by himself, in a small field*

José: Que aburrido cuando juego solo... Esque todos los jóvenes están enganchados al móvil o que?!
(How boring when I play alone... Is it that all young people are hooked on mobile phones or what?!)

*José shouts that across the field, but the only thing that can be heard is silence... Until in an instant, footsteps are heard behind José*

???: ... Hola!
(... Hello!)

José: Uh?

*José turns around, looking at who was behind him... And he sees a boy of the same height, Which was a Polish Shepherd*

José: Oh Hola!
(Oh hello!)

??: Mi nombre es Pondrisky! Y tú?
(My name is Pondrisky! And you?)

José: Soy José, José Pastor, Encantado de conocerte!
(I'm José, José Pastor, Nice to meet you!)

Pondrisky: Que bien! Una pregunta... Que raza de perro eres?
(Excellent! One question... What breed of dog are you?)

José: Soy un Pastor Australiano marrón! Justamente de aqui, España
(I am a brown Australian Shepherd! From right here, Spain)

Pondrisky: Exelente! Yo soy un Pastor polaco! Provengo de Polonia... O como se diría en mi idioma... Polska!
(excellent! I am a polish shepherd! I come from Poland... Or as it would be said in my language... Polska!)

José: Jaja! Fantastico!
(Haha! Fantastic!)

Pondrisky: Espera... ¿Por qué eres un Pastor Australiano si eres español? Y más... ¿Por qué eres marrón? Solo hay azul y rojo...
(Wait... Why are you an Australian Shepherd if you are Spanish? And more... Why are you brown? There is only blue and red...)

José: Bueno... Es una larga historia...
(Well... It's a long Story...)

*José refines his voice, prepared to describe his origin*

José: Mi abuela, Isabella McCoy, se mudo de Australia a España... Ella es una pastora Australiana Roja...
(My grandmother, Isabella McCoy, moved from Australia to Spain... She is a Red Australian Shepherd...)

José: Entonces, ella conoció a mi abuelo, Enrique García, el cual era un perro de agua español...
(So, she met my grandfather, Enrique Garcia, who was a Spanish water dog...)

José: Después de eso, tuvieron a mi madre! La cual era una pastora Australiana marrón! Por qué? Pues no tengo idea, posiblemente un fallo en la genetica
(After that, they had my mother! Which was a brown Australian Shepherd! Because? Well, I have no idea, possibly a genetic error)

José: Luego viene mi tío, Enrique Pérez, el cual mi abuelo le prestó su nombre... Y el era un pastor australiano rojo...
(Then comes my uncle, Enrique Pérez, who was named after him by my grandfather... And he was a red Australian shepherd...)

José: Mi madre, a sus 24 años, Conoció a mi padre, Manolo Sánchez, el cual era un Ratonero bodeguero andaluz...
(My mother, at the age of 24, met my father, Manolo Sánchez, who was an Andalusian winemaker Ratonero...)

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