Chapter 10: News on Call

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*In a few minutes, José and Brandy are already in the living room, looking at the laptop, waiting for Chilli, Bandit and Frisky to answer the video call*

José: I don't know why, but I feel fear and guilt at the same time... It's an unbearable weight

Brandy: Don't worry... It's ok!

José: It's not... I have brought misfortune to this family, it is all my fault... I should be denied and remain in that orphanage so that you are safe...

Brandy: No! You are possibly the best thing that has come to us so far, just regain your strength, nothing bad is going to happen...

*Brandy hugs José from behind for a few seconds, until Chilli, Bandit and Frisky enter the video call*

Frisky: Oh~

José: I'm legally adopted, now it's not strange

Frisky: I was just teasing you! Well, something important to tell us?

Chilli: Yeah...?

Bandit: ...?

*There is complete silence for a few seconds, until José speaks*

José: Oh- Sorry! I thought for a moment hehe

José: Well, Frisky, I have news from Radley


José: Wha- No! ... Ok, I'm sorry for that... I don't know where IS him, but I know who is with him

Frisky: Uh?

José: I will divide it into two parts so that it is better understood... Good news and bad news

Frisky: First the bad ones just in case

José: The bad news is that Black Hood is not alone, he is also accompanied by his "companions", who we do not know who they are, or what they look like

Everyone except José: Oh god...

Frisky: And the good ones?

José: The good news is that Rad was possibly kidnapped by those guys who are Black Hood's companions.

Chilli: Why is that good?

José: Because if Black Hood's companions are not as powerful as Black Hood, we can easily rescue Rad and then defeat Black Hood.

Chilli: oh-

Bandit: And how do you know all that?

José: ... Black Hood appeared in my dreams, and before disappearing he gave me that news...

Bandit: It was hard for you to see how someone also appears in your dreams, right?

José: Yep...

Chilli: Well... Should we inform others of this?

José: Not for now, until we get something more about the Black Hood's companions, it will only remain between us

The four of them: Ok then!

José: I'll let you continue with your routine, see you soon

*José closes the laptop, leaving the video call instantly*

José: *Sigh* This has me more overwhelmed...

Brandy: Don't worry... We can together!

José: Yeah... I guess...

Brandy: ... Well, after all this that happened... Do you want to have breakfast?

José: Yes please!

*The clock shows five days and Nineteen hours*

José: God bless this great family...

*Brandy listens to him, and smiles*

Brandy: *In a low voice so that he doesn't hear her* I hope nothing happens to him...

To be continue
Next: "Chapter 11: It has only just begun"

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