Chapter 14: Red Flags

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*The sun comes in through the window, and José gets up without problems, except with dark circles under his eyes that indicated that he did not sleep very well due to what happened the night before*

José: ... Uh...

Bluey: Hey José! Did you sleep well?

José: I... I don't think so...

Bingo: It's everything ok?

José: uh... Yeah, yeah... Let's just go eat our breakfast

Bluey: Yeah! Breakfast!

*Bluey and Bingo run off down the stairs, Until Chilli looks out the door of the room, looking at José*

Chilli: Are you ok? I heard you last night talk...

José: I don't know... I had received a call from Trixie... He told me something was wrong with Stripe and... Well, the call hung up. I'm worried about them

Chilli: oh- ... Well... In a moment we can go to their house to see if everything is okay

José: It would be good...

Chilli: Come, let's have breakfast! It looks like you're a little hungry.

José: nah, thanks, For now I'm fine, I don't need anything

Chilli: Well, if you say so...

*Chilli goes down the stairs*

José: ... No puedo creer que esto me esté pasando...
        (...I can't believe this is happening to me...)

*José puts on a jacket*

*In a few hours, everyone is already on their way to Stripe's house*

Bandit: Ok, here it is!

*José gets out of the car, amazed*

José: Wow... Is this really his house?

Bandit: Yep... It looks very modern

José: ... That giant hole that is on the second floor also forms of the structure?

*José points to a giant hole in one of the bedrooms that leaves it exposed to the open air, where burns are noticeable around the edges*

Bandit: oh... No...

José: ... Well, I already have two possible cases of what possibly happend, and neither ends in a happy ending...

Chilli: Let's not get ideas for now, let's see what happens

José: I think I understand why the call was cut off...

*Everyone goes to the front yard, and tries to enter, but the door is closed*

Bingo: And now how do we get in?

José: It's not a problem for me

*José kicks the door hard, breaking its lock and allowing access*

Chilli: Where did you learn t-

José: War.

Bandit: Wow... Everything down here it's ordered...

José: Wait until you see the second floor...

*Everyone goes upstairs and enters the room*

Bluey: The house is completely empty...

Bingo: Have they abandoned it?

Bluey: Possibly...

José: The only thing I don't see normal It's because the room is too tidy and clean for the hole it has...

*José touches the edge of the giant hole, and suddenly removes his hand*

José: AH!

Chilli: José? Are you ok?!

More or less... The edge of the hole is burning... But really... It doesn't feel like being burned by fire directly... Its temperature is very high... Possibly more than the propellant of a space rocket...

Chilli: Don't worry, I'm going to put a bandage on the burn.

*Chilli puts a layer of bandage on the palm of José's right hand*

Chilli: That will protect your burn until it heals.

José: Thank you... But really...

Bluey: ... Hm... What if a meteorite hit it?

José: I don't think so... If it had been like that, the room would have been destroyed, or possibly the whole house... Plus a meteorite in the backyard, which there is no

Bandit: So what happened?

*José turns his back to the big hole, and starts thinking*

José: Hm... It's strange... I mean, the house is as if nothing had happened, but the hole, and the temperature of its edges...

*Suddenly, Stripe appears behind the giant hole, Floating in the air, with blue eyes and no pupil*

José: on top of that the hole is a perfect circle, as if it were a circle made with a compass on a sheet of paper... ...I can't find an answer

Bandit: ... J- José...

José: Yes?

Bandit: B- behind you...

José: Behind me wha-

*José looks behind him, and sees Stripe floating in the air, which surprises him a lot*

José: ... Ay... En nombre de Jesús-
        (... Oh... In the name of Jesus-)

*Stripe throws a small red ball that he created with his hands, which hits José's right arm...*

José: ... *Breathe* AAAAAHHH

Bandit: OH GOD-

Chilli: José?! Are you okay?!

José: How am I going to be okay? My arm is burning! was that a fireball?!

*Stripe approaches José slowly, floating in the air*

Stripe: ... End...

José: What-

*Stripe extends his hand towards José, but José reacts quickly, and breaks a light cable near him, giving Stripe an electric shock*

*Stripe suddenly falls to the ground, eyes closed and gray smoke coming out of his fur*

Chilli: ... Is he okay?

José: Uh... I don't think so, that electric shock was very strong...

*Stripe opens his eyes, but this time his eyes are normal, with the pupils back*

Stripe: Uh... What-

José: Stripe?

Stripe: ... What happend...?

José: ... Oh well, you appeared out of nowhere floating, and you threw a fireball at me that almost makes my arm non-existent


And I think you're also the cause of the giant hole in your room!

Stripe: ... Uh...? ... Oh... N- I don't know... I mean the night before I wasn't feeling well, and I fainted... And now I woke up... With this...

José: ...I believe you... Possibly you were being controlled... That explains the blue eyes...

Chilli: But... Where are the others?

Stripe: What are you talking about?

Bandit: Brother, neither your daughters nor your wife are here

Stripe: oh my god...

José: ... Let's go back home... Stripe, are you coming with us?

Stripe: ... Sure...

To be continue
Next: Chapter 15: New barriers

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