Chapter 9: In a few days

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*One day after everything that had happened due to a letter from an old friend of José, something sudden shook José's head, precisely in his dreams, while he was sleeping...*

José: zZz....

*In José's dreams*

José: ... Es solo un espacio blanc-
(... It's just a white spac-)

*A figure appears in the distance... It looks like... BLACK HOOD?!*

Black hood: Hello again~


Black hood: Surprised? I know

José: What are YOU doing here?

Black hood: I just came to see an old friend...

José: I'm not your friend!

Black hood: You can be my friend! If you surrender to me...

José: Surrender? I don't even know what your goal is in all this.

Black hood: We make ourselves difficult, hm? Well... I can tell you something about my goal...

José: What is it?

Black hood: I can't tell you yet...

José: Your goal is to leave me without a family, I bet!

Black hood: Nope...

José: Man you ruined my life!

Black hood: How did I ruin your life if I wasn't there?

José: YOU WERE TH- ... You're just trying to make me lose control in me... You won't achieve it... Much less your goal while I'm still here.

Black hood: You're a smart boy... I was leaving it easy for you, let's get this thing going... And one thing... Some of my colleagues say that Radley is with them... Byee

José: Wha-

*Black Hood disappears from José's dream, leaving our protagonist alone, floating aimlessly in that white space*

José: ... Uh oh... Is not just him now...

*Suddenly, José hears a voice*

???: José? Wake up!

José: uh?

???: Please, wake up!

José: Is that...

???: JOSE?!

José: BRANDY?!

*In the reality*

*José wakes up with an unexpected jolt, and looks directly at Brandy, who is standing next to him*

Brandy: JOSE! ARE YOU OK?!

José: Oh- yeah, yeah mom... S-something happend?

Brandy: Oh g- ... No son, it's just that you didn't wake up and you had me worried.

José: Sorry... Mom...

Brandy: Yes?

José: ... turn on my laptop and do a facetime with Chilli, Bandit, and Frisky... I know something about Rad's disappearance.

Brandy: Oh- ok, I will do it quickly

*José looks at his Clock, which shows five days and twenty hours*

José: We have to act before the day


Chapter 10: News on call

Bluey: Save Our HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora