Y/n and the Gyaru

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The next day.


That's the setting as we can tell that this was after the next day where their date took place. Y/n was heading to one of the school's food store for something small to eat with a large smile on his face.

Why you may ask?

"Yesterday's date was a huge success..." Y/n said with excitement in his voice. The date was the main reason for his overwhelming enthusiasm, who wouldn't be when they had a fun time together with their crush recently?

The student grabs two drinks, pink cans of strawberry cream soda and some anpans and heads back to his class.

Then the thought of Aashii appears in his mind.

"...Man, I would love to talk to Arcee again... She's so chill and sweet... It's no wonder she gets praised as an attractive gyaru in our class... I gotta ask her if she wants to hang out in the future..." he said excitedly while passing the courtyard.


He glanced towards the fountain.


A blonde girl covered in so many accessories, sitting alone on a bench for her to eat.


He could tell it was her.

But seeing her sitting by herself and nobody around but the distant students in their own friend groups, it made him wonder why she was here in the first place.


"...She's probably waiting for her friends..."

That's what he believed before getting to the school's store to buy a pair of drinks and a bowl of Katsu and heads back the same route that he took to the store.


He finds Arcee once more.



Arcee was eating her lunch that her old folks made for her, savoring each bite of it as if it was her last and smiled widely every time it hits her tastebuds.

"It's sooo good..." she says, continuing to pick at her food with her chopsticks and eating her bento.

She ate and ate and ate, all alone with nobody to talk to.

It didn't matter to her. Because at least she has time to think about yesterday when her and her classmate went on a date.

"...Yesterday's date was fun..." she said softly to herself and glanced up at the clear beautiful sky.

She lets out a sigh. "...I wish my friends can hang out tooo though... It would be fun for Y/n and I to hang with theeem..."


"...Hey, Arcee..."

She turns to find Y/n standing in front of her.

"Y/n? What are youuu doing here?"

"I... saw you sitting out here and thought I'd stop by..." Y/n smiled softly as he approached the empty space next to Arcee.

But Arcee wasn't thinking straight as she nods to him.

"It's nice seeing you too... but don't wanna hold you uuup any longer... You're friends are probably waaaaiting on you right no-"


That threw Arcee off a little.

"Yeah... You have friends that you wanna be with... riiight?" She asked as Y/n just shook the statement off.

"I don't have any friends..."


"That is if you don't count Noodle... but since he's busy with club work most of the time, we don't eat together often..."


Y/n kind of stopped himself from sitting next to Arcee, wondering if she didn't want him here with her for the day.

"...So... since I don't have anyone to talk to... you don't mind if I sit next to you?"

He waits for an answer.

Once he did, Arcee's mood brightens up and pats the seat next to her. It didn't look like it but the small details from her mood changes were noticeable if you looked carefully.

"Come..." she says as Y/n sat next to Arcee and got comfortable. The two would get to talking as they giggled and smiled for awhile.

Then it came to the question that was on Y/n's mind since he first found Arcee in the courtyard.



"...How come you're all alone out here? You have friends yourself, right?"


Although Arcee's smile was present, he could tell from the sudden aura change that the gyaru was the total opposite.

"...If I'm being honest, when I chill with my friends, I feel toootally out of place..."


"Toootally... I'm always so slow and lowkey, yeah?"


"So when they're all hyped and excited, I just look like a toootal wet blanket... It could be my face, yeah? People alway say I look like I'm diiising people or whatever... Like yesterday when my friend got dumped by her boyfriend..."

Arcee was slowly spacing out about everything that had happened to her, Y/n tapped on her shoulder softly.


"Huh? Oh yeah, the story... To put it short, I waaanted to hang out with my girlies but after what happened, they say don't wanna hang with meee..."


Arcee checks the time on her phone, "Aw, sheesh... We better get going before classes staaart..." Arcee speaks up once more and gets up.

"Come on, Y/nnn~... We don't wanna be late, do ya?~"

Y/n gets up as well but, "I'll be in class soon... Need to head to the restroom..."

"Aw, gee... See ya in claaass..." Arcee greeted Y/n away as the boy does exactly what he said and handled some business in there.

He went to the sink to wash his hands before glancing at the mirror where he stood.

"...How could her friends be this cruel?" He asked as he remembered the sad experience of her friends not wanting to be around her for now or ever.

Y/n knew the kind of girl she was, slow and chill which was one of the reasons that reeled him to her. And yet her friends weren't able to read her face or aura at all and dumping her to the side made the h/c feel bad.

All she wants to do was to be with the people she trust and care...

He thinks about Arcee once more before heading back to class.

Aashii "Ahko" Kedarui x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now