Kiss & Tell

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After their official statement as boyfriend and girlfriend together, Y/n and Ahko has been nothing but obsessed from Saturday's date up until Monday, the start of school.

During the time, they had their own business to attend to but it didn't stop them from thinking about one another. Wanting to see each other as they texted nonstop after Y/n left for home on Saturday.

Even to now they still texted constantly, Y/n was walking towards school as a genuine smile has been on his face all morning as Ahko kept texting back. It would be better for them to walk together but they will establish this once they see each other in class.

As he continued to text Ahko, he makes it to class as he sits down at his desk. Someone approaches him. "You seem happy today..." it was Noodle as he hugs his phone softly.

"Of course... Ahko and I started dating..."

"You're what?!"

"Wha- What happened?"

"Y/n is dating Ahko, Rentaro!"

"He's what?!"

"What's with the fuss?"

"Get the fuck out of here, Mikio!" Noodle shouts at Mikio as Y/n hesitantly joins in. "Y-Yeah! Get out of here!"

"Okay, jeez... I was just asking..." Mikio gets the memo as he leaves the trio alone. Rentaro turns to the two with confused looks. "Why are you picking on him?"

Y/n shrugs. "I don't know... I was following what Noodle said..." He turns to Noodle who also shrugged. "I just feel like in another timeline, he would do something unhinged that not even I would think he could do..."

"But he hasn't done anything wrong..." Rentaro observed.

"...A gut feeling... Anyways, Y/n... What happened? What went through after?"

Y/n went back to being all smiley and whatnot as he showed a photo of Ahko in a pet store. "We went on a couple of dates together... I took her to so many shops and stores and we had a lot of fun..."

"Cool..." Rentaro gets increasingly interested in Y/n's new girlfriend, considering himself has double digits in having girlfriends. "When did you two started dating?"

"Saturday... We went to the movies and afterwards we went to her house... and..."

He realized what was going to come out of his lips next as he starts to blush mildly. "...And?" Noodle asked.

"...And then-"


His eyes widens when he hears Ahko behind him.

"A-Ahko?" He finds her iconic smile but the aura was a flirtatious yet aggressive one as she leans forward next to his face.  "You're not one to kiss and tell, riiight?~"

"...I-I mean we-"

"Hm?~" Ahko's aura grew stronger as realized he was going against what she was saying and blushed more. "...I... We did nothing... I asked her out and she said yes..."

Ahko giggles softly, satisfied with his answer as her flirty smile grows. At least that's what Y/n can see as she hugs him from behind. "But we had fun on our movie date, right?"

His expression seems to soothe a little when she starts to dote on him a bit as he smiles and nods.

"Yeah... We did..."

"Well, good job, bud..." Noodle replies.

"Yeah... Congratulations..." Rentaro smiles as well as the four hung out a little more before class started.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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Aashii "Ahko" Kedarui x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now