Another Date

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After lunch, it was nothing but Arcee in Y/n's mind.

Not only was she beautiful, that's always the first thought when he thinks of the gyaru from across the room.

But about her friends.

Her friends not able to read her emotions and shooing her off after what happened a couple of days ago.

Although she was hard to read since Arcee told him she had low blood pressure so she's either not there mentally or emotionally, expressing her thoughts strongly with a smile on her face.

But Y/n knew.

He knew she was serious, the date they went on yesterday says it all as every emotion she was able to express wasn't noticeable unless you carefully read the reactions she could barely make.

Except for a smile, her smiles grew happier when she's able to express her excitement or her interests to Y/n. Which is one of things he likes about her.

...It's official...

Y/n gets up from his seat as soon as the bell rung and glanced over to the gyaru across the room.

"Arcee!" He calls to her which brought everyone's attention including Arcee.


He marched over to her and slams his hands on her desk.

"We're gonna go on another date today! And we're going to have fun!"



The classroom bursted out in shock as everyone talked and whispered to each other.

"Y/n?! And Aashii?!"

"On a date?!"

"Did he call her 'Arcee'?"

Y/n wasn't embarrassed at all. He was firm and determined as he finds a flustered Arcee in front of him.


Then a smile.



"With him?!"

The classroom was shouting once more but the two students paid no mind before the h/c waited for the blonde girl to pack up and head back out on another date together.

And while this was a date he has not planned, he knew what Arcee liked after last time. Of course he brought the girl to some fancy goods shop where they'd find more cute things to buy.

Arcee being Arcee, she couldn't not buy everything that she laid her eyes on like a puppy keychain, a small well-knitted panda bear, and a pair of pink socks. Y/n only got another teddy bear from the famous show in Japan,

And this time, they didn't go straight to another fancy goods shop.

Instead, Y/n brought her to a pet store as Arcee's expression grew excited. "Omg, look at all these kittiiies~..." she presses her face against the glass as the kittens huddled together and wanted to play. "They are sooo cute~..."

Y/n couldn't help but smile at this small interaction Arcee had, he pulls his phone out and took a photo as the girl continued to look around the pet shop.

"Cute~..." she points at another group of kittens as Y/n nods in agreement.

"Cute~..." she finds a couple of puppies playing with each other as Y/n nods again.

Aashii "Ahko" Kedarui x Male ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora