Poems from 2022

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By Regulus Caspian Garven

I wish I was anywhere but here

In this house,
Where doubts are worn like blouses because they are fed to me like honey from a bee

Hidden behind sweet undertones my parents use to manipulate me
Anywhere Is better than this house

Where I don't belong
That I feel more like Harry Potter
Or Cinderella just waiting to leave and be free


By Regulus Caspian Garven

Family should care
But sometimes the people under the family label are not your family

Sometimes family are people behind a screen

Sometimes labels are put on the wrong people and you just have to wait for your family to find you


Glass Man
By Regulus Caspian Garven

I AM made Of Glass
A Man
Made of Glass
I was born shattered but that does not
Mean I am fragile

Glass may be fragile and I may be a
glass man


Shattered glass can make you bleed


I was born shattered
I can make you bleed if you pick up my pieces you might just get pricked.


By Regulus Caspian Garven

Everyone wears a mask of some kind
But I wear multiple
I mold a mask for every single person I meet

Because I am terrified that if they know how broken I truly am, they will abandon me
And I will be alone

So I hide behind these masks so I am never alone
Yet recently my masks have been falling apart
And floating away

I am still afraid to be left alone but
I have met people who I believe won't leave me despite my broken pieces.


By Regulus Caspian Garven

Everyone else wants someone perfect to love

But I want someone perfectly imperfect
I want a person that is perfectly imperfect
Imperfection is perfection in my hazel eyes

Please universe,
Send me someone perfectly imperfect to give my heart to


By Regulus Caspian Garven

I am sensitive
But NOT because I am humorless
But because your joke was cruel

I am sensitive because I HAVE the NEED to protect myself from your cruel jokes

I am NOT acting like a victim like you say
I am just reacting to your cruelty
I am sensitive because you are cruel

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